Part Ten: Blood is Thicker Than Water

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Candace sighed as she stared at the low ceiling above her. Lazily laying in the motel bed, the bedsheets unorganized, the room lit with only a few dim lights. This was usually her routine for the past two weeks. Wake up, contemplate her decisions for a few hours, order takeout, shower, vape, watch depressing movies, then go back to sleep.

She refused to go back to her annoying roommates, who would only make the situation worse. She would've loved to stay with her boyfriend, Jeremy, but he was out of state on a vacation with his parents and sister for a family reunion. So she was going to be on her own for a while, as far as she was concerned.

No, she couldn't go back home. Not now, not ever. She couldn't stand the thought of her mother anymore, let alone actually face her. Linda had taken everything from her.

She still loved and respected Lawrence. He was the greatest stepdad she could've ever asked for. But still, he just wasn't her real father. Not to compare the two, but her biological dad was her whole world for six years. The day she realized he wasn't coming back was the most heartbreaking day of her life; the day of Linda and Lawrence's wedding.

Candace put the vape to her mouth and breathed in the nicotine, waiting for it to reach her lungs before exhaling the puff of smoke. She flinched upon feeling her phone vibrate yet again. She didn't even need to look to see that it was Phineas calling her for the hundredth time. The urge to answer it was tempting, but she resisted.

Every time she saw his name on her phone, she would break down into tears, so she didn't bother even glancing at the screen. She felt absolutely horrible for ignoring him. But she couldn't bring herself to talk to him, not even to respond to his texts. She usually just read them at two in the morning when he was likely asleep, and would end up crying herself to sleep.

I'm a horrible sister. She repeated to herself everyday. She brought poor Phineas into this mess. He was perfectly happy before knowing there was another family member out there he didn't even get to meet. She allowed him to see the ugly side of her and Linda's relationship, a side of it that even she didn't know existed. Thanks to her, his home life was absolute shit. His parents were too busy for him, and his lifelong best friend wouldn't even talk to him.

All thanks to her.

As Candace put the vape to her mouth again, she took notice to the decreased juice inside and sighed heavily. "Great." She murmured, slowly sitting up in her bed to pour some more of the addicting liquid in. After doing so, she felt her phone vibrate on the bed again. She instinctively glanced to see who it was, not realizing that it could've been Phineas.

But to her relief, she saw it was just Jeremy. She picked up her phone and opened up the text from him that read, Hey, how are you holding up?

Candace had told him about everything that happened, so he was up to date on what she was doing. He wasn't thrilled about her being by herself in a motel, concerned for both her safety and health. But there wasn't much he could do to stop her.

She texted back, fine I guess, really tired though.

Once the vape was refilled, she continued at it for another few minutes. She didn't care if she was destroying her lungs, or inhaled too much to a point of a coughing fit. She honestly didn't care what happened to her anymore.

Get some sleep, sweetie. It's late there. Jeremy texted back.

Ok I will soon, I love you. She texted before setting her phone on the pillow behind her. But she wasn't separated from it long before she heard two vibrations. She sighed and exhaled the vapor before looking to see two text messages. One from Jeremy, and the other from Ferb.

She didn't bother texting Jeremy back since his was just a goodnight text. But Ferb's was, Hey, it's been two weeks. Still not coming back home?

She scoffed and texted back, Nope. I said I wouldn't so I won't.

You know everyone's worried about you. How come you're only responding to my texts? Ferb asked.

Candace sighed and texted, Because you're the only one who understands. Believe me I've tried texting Phineas back but it's hard. With the situation with our dad, I just see him as my baby brother that I need to protect. I brought him into this mess and it's best if I keep my distance.

Ok but today he snapped at me, I think he's really starting to lose it. Ferb texted, you need to at least say something to him. Or mom or dad.

Candace frowned. She had no idea what Phineas might've been feeling about the situation, and the thought of him snapping at anyone—especially Ferb—just broke her heart. I'm such a piece of shit sister. She texted as she started to tear up, I can't believe I brought him into a mess like this. I just wanted to remember who my dad was. Even if it was just remembering. I mean, he was my whole world as a kid and one day he just disappeared.

So one day, someone you looked up to fell off the face of the earth and never contacted you again? Ferb asked.

Yes, Candace texted back, taking another breath with the vape. The conversation was beginning to piss her off, but at the same time sent her sadness spiraling through.

That's how Phineas feels with you. Her stepbrother texted, making her burst into tears. You have such an impact on his life and now that you're gone, he doesn't know what to do. He's confused and scared, like you must've been when your dad left.

Candace allowed the tears to cascade down her face while she re-read the text over and over. Was Ferb right? Was Phineas feeling what she felt all these years? And the worst part being, that she took time to figure out her dad wasn't coming back. Phineas was feeling it all at once, and probably figured by now that she wasn't returning.

Phineas really looks up to me like that? She asked.

Of course, you're his sister. He texted back, I understand that you don't want to come home, but at least say something to Phineas. He needs that type of influencer in his life.

Candace laid back in bed, continuing to stare at the ceiling, rethinking everything she had ever done. She didn't even look to see the last text she received;

I might be his stepbrother and you think he's closer to me, but blood will always be thicker than water.

Siblings' Quest |Phineas and Ferb Story|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora