Stay Away

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«««Alishba's POV»»»

Today is Sunday and I spend this day with my family.

"Ee-ehh Mom?"

I knocked at my mama's room.

"Come in!" My mama said.

I sat on sofa with my mama.

"Mama I wanted to tell you something about my college "

Mama stared at me.

I don't know how can i told all this to mama but I have to because I tell everything to my mama since childhood,my mama is my sister and my best friend.she would understand me.

I got courage in myself and spoke up

"He is my class fellow. He cared for me in farewell, when I fell, he caught me, not Rabail, he was there to brought me to sickroom , and ....."

"And what?" My mama said angrily .

I can see that mama is angry with me but I have no option left so I said

"And he grab my waist when I was about to fell hard on the ground" I close my eyes and said.

"Alishba!! what are you saying ? Are you in your sense? What happened to you?"

My mama asked angrily.

"Mama I didn't do anything I just want to tell you all this that's it!" I told

"Now you would say that I wanted to become friend with that guy right?" My mama asked.

"No,no I just ..."

''I just what". mama said

"I just wanted your permission that can I talk with that boy sometimes please?"

"No never,I won't allow you" mama said

"But why mama?" I asked

"You know your father dear.he either won't allowed you" my mama softens.

"Okay mama I promise you that i would never talk to him, never!" I said

"Good for you!"

"Yeah" I said.

"Whats his name?" Mama asked

"Talha!" I said

"Stay away from Talha!" mama ordered.

I left my mama's room and walked into my room.

I am feeling free because I told everything to mama,

But now I don't know i am feeling low and sad because now I promised my mama that I am not going to talk with him But I wanted to talk with Talha I like spending time with him but I can't do this.

"I know!..."

I said to myself

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