Chapter#16 🖤Past Memories🖤

Start from the beginning

when he reached the lab rooms vent ,he saw the big TV screen that was monitoring y/n's fight with her symbiot armor wearing brother

'What the hell!!? Why isn't she kicking that fuvking symbiots ass!?'

Venoms eyes furrowed with worry as he saw the cuts and blood spilled all over y/n ,she was badly hurt .venom began to panic as he rushed backwards in the vent and found his way out of the building ,he began to look around

'How am i supposed to get to her!? Where's that bitch Eddie when you need him!?'


Venom saw a black car driving away ,he shoot one of his tendril and got himself attached to the car as it drove to where y/n was


(Y/n's POV)

I panted as i stood up. How in the world is that symbiot so strong? Stronger then venom!

I shook my head as dust was everywhere ,i cant see a damn thing .never thought my brother will be this blood thirsty to kill me...

His misunderstanding...i didn't abandon him ,after the accident that happened in dads lab....our entire house was...destoryed...i was the only one alive...thats what it seemed at that moment...

"Abandoned....tortured...hurt tired of feeling like this..  while YOU were mom and dads favorite!!!''



a solid punch was hit on my stomach that knocked the wind out of me ,i was smashed against a building and the impact destroyed the wall behind me


With half open eyes ,i saw b/n standing above me and looking down at me....i hate it..his annoying then riot!

"Second commander my ass...your still weak ,i should've been the one to have your power ,but NO. Dad saw that you were worthy of having it....I hate YOU''

I lowered my head


"What was that? Sorry i can't hear you''

"..I...never wanted this power.."

I said as i grit my teeth and clenched my fist ,i never wanted this cursed power

I looked up as i saw b/n making a sword with his symbiot covered hand and pointed it on my heart

"No regrets''

I smiled as i closed my eyes ,i couldn't stop thinking about venom ,if he was here .he would've kept shouting at me to fight back ,but im tired .i cant move .i was waiting for the piercing pain to come....


"Dont mind if i do join the fight!''

I heard a crashing sound and a familiar boys voice ,i tiredly raised my head and saw....spider man?

"Damn it!!''

he threw b/n away with his web ,he looked back at me...

"You OK?''

I gave him a thumbs up as he went and clashed with b/n again ,he was fighting

'You dumbass!'


I heard venoms voice as i perked up my head ,i saw him crawling towards me  from within the broken pebles and rocks ,i blinked dumbfounded

"Venom! I told you to stay behind!''

'We saw you getting your ass kicked ,we couldn't Stand aside and let our host get hurt!''

I giggled ,to be glad he is here ,i hold out my hand towards him as he absorbed himself with my body ,his head forming from my shoulder as he began to rub his head on the side of my cheek

'If you can deal with our shit ,then you can deal with anyone and anything!'

"Thanks for the encouragment''

(Third persons POV)

'Get up and lets rip that symbiot apart!!'

"Fuck yeah!''

Venom healed up all the wounds and small cuts on y/n's body as electric current covered her body

Spider man was really trying his best to keep up with b/n ,y/n dashed towards b/n .her hand that was clenched in a fist was covered with venoms symbiot for extra damage

"Stop this nonsense!! ''



With one punch ,b/n flew out of the scene and towards the ocean, y/n's hand was normal as she sat down on a rock ,panting .spiderman walker towards her as police siren and ambulance was covering the area

Y/n lowered her head as peter was rubbing the back of his neck ,confused as to what to say to you .y/n smiled as she looked up

"Thanks for the help ,i would've been dead by now''

"Anytime ,you saved my life as well.....sooooo we are even ''

'Tell him to go away!'

Y/n heard venom say with bitter tone as if venom was about to rip spiderman apart.
Y/n stood up ,most of her clothing was torned up

"You good now? Your pretty strong you know .are you one of the avengers?''

Y/n raised a brow in confusion ,she never heard of the name 'avengers' ,she shrugged in confuision.

''Never heard of the avengers before''

"Oh! Their pretty famous ,the heroes of the earth ,some of them has super powers like YOU!''

Venom was loosing patience as y/n was holding back venoms urge of punching spiderman ,y/n took some steps back

''Nope ,never heard of them. They sound cool though ,also gotta leave now!! Thanks for the help again!!''


And like that y/n ran away from spiderman ,peter was just a kid .y/n didn't understand why venom hated him that much at the point that he wanted to hurt him

The area was locked down by the police and the TF agents ,some people got hurt cause of the destruction ,ambulances taking the injured one to hospital .no one died so that was good

But it wasn't over yet ,not for y/n ,not for venom and not for spiderman

To be continued......

Chapter done ,sorry if its a little short then the other chapters ,i wanted to update my book since so many comments wanted me to continue!

I really do enjoy writing this book .so don't worry about me or dont feel like you all have pressured me...NOPE

30 Votes for the next chapter!!

The next chapter will have more interactions with venom so follow me so you wont miss the next update!!

See you all soon!!
Thanks for reading and sticking up with me for this long!!

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