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June 17th 1979.

Rosie was always grumpy when she was tired.

Not tired as in terms of sleep, but just everything in general.

She hated when they flew back in from Norfolk after their flight was delayed three times. Her neck hurt the entire plane ride and she couldn't get any rest while Roger was peacefully sleeping right to her, his head on her shoulder. And that time where she thought she lost her phone and spent over two hours looking in her bag, in Roger's bag only to find that in was in his fucking pocket the entire time. Not to mention that when they were at the airport in Norfolk waiting for their delayed flight, Rosie had some sushi because she was hungry and well...

It did not end well.

Ten minutes after the sushi, she rushed into the restroom and vomited all while Roger was finished with his tuna sandwich, sitting at their terminal. The result of this would be her not having an appetite for the rest of the day.

It was only worse when she tried to take a nap, and Roger came barging in stating that they should go on another walk (because apparently, he liked the outcome of their last one), but she chucked a pillow at him and told him to leave her alone.

And he did. Well, just for a couple hours.

Roger left Rosie in their dark bedroom for about four hours until the clock struck ten, and he was getting increasingly worried because she hadn't come out since then. When he opened the door, he found her sprawled on the bed with her hands over her face. The first thing she said was—

"Give me two more hours, Rog. I still haven't slept yet."

Did he leave her yet again for another two hours of definitely not sleeping? No. But he did force her out of bed and into the car because she hadn't eaten anything today, and she was in a grumpy mood. Put them together, and you get one of the reasons why Roger would force Rosie in to a car ten o'clock at night.

5 Reasons Why Roger Taylor Would Force Rosie Špiljak into a Car at Ten O'clock at Night

1. She's angry at him. He'll fix that with the late night drives she always seems to love.

2. He wants to go home (usually when they're out, and he can't wait another hour or two to rip her clothes off).

3. She's been crying, and he wants to cheer her up, calm her down. Late night drives are the way to go. Also a good to get her to sleep.

4. He's just messing with her. Sometimes, there are days where they just like to mess with each other. It's kinda like a prank war. He would always force her into the car near midnight and take countless turns until they're in the middle of nowhere (jokes for him because he has to find a way back home).

5. He's not forcing her. She wants to go for a drive, and he agrees to do so.

This time, it's none of those reasons.

For seven minutes, Rosie laid her head on the door, watching Roger silently drive down the road. It wasn't to her concern of where he was taking her, she was just worried about the fact that her phone was on twenty percent battery.

Her head was pounding with a headache that felt to be worse than exam week, and her stomach really wasn't in the mood for anything Roger was up to...until he pulled up to the local ice cream parlour and suddenly, it was like her appetite had come back.

"I'm just going to get some ice cream for myself, and then we'll go home," he said as he unfastened his seatbelt. "You coming or staying?"

"No ice cream for me?"

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