Truth Unveiled

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Truth Unveiled


  The day progresses as planned. Lieutenant Drake and new rookie, Nelix venture out toward the hidden army entrance. It is set in an office building in a remote town. The back room has a trap door with a descending staircase below it. At the bottom lay a long dusty tunnel with walls of rock like an old underground mine. They make their way to the first checkpoint where an armed guard stands beside a small venue and a gate.

  ‘Good evening Drake, sir. Who is this man with you?

  ‘This is rookie Nelix. He has no uniform as yet and General Lars wishes to speak to him.’

  ‘Ok. Come through.’ The guard replied, activating the entrance gate.

  Past the entrance point are numerous lines of different colour imprinted on the ground, giving directions to certain tunnel points. They trail the black and gold line to an access elevator.

  ‘I have to warn you, it can get pretty dusty at times down here.’ Drake said

  ‘That’s ok. I’ve been in situations like this before.’

The platform descends at a rapid pace with little room. After a five minute fall, they make contact with the ground. As the door opens, a massive burst of pressure pops the ears. The immense sounds of jack hammers and air compressors echo in the distance.

  ‘Here we are. Welcome, to this project of the Red Army’ Drake said in confidence.

  ‘How long has this project been going for?’ Nelix asked.

  ‘For about four years I believe. I have been here for three.’

They board the tunnel shuttle to make way to the edge of the dig where General Lars awaits. As they advance deeper into the Martian cave, the surrounding atmosphere becomes more cold and dense. The tangled rocks in the cave walls appear dark and moist, bringing the sense of fear toward what they may unveil.

  General Lars stands tall and stocky in his militant outfit, accompanied by two armed guards. The surrounding area is lit by a small lighting tower which brings a feeling of comfort, despite the darkness in the distance. Lars approaches Drake with a confident yet sarcastic look.

  ‘Well, well. Lieutenant Commander Drake, I see you have bought me that specimen’ Lars said in a deep, sardonic voice.

  ‘Don’t worry about him. He can be a bit of a smart arse at times.’ Drake said as he turned toward Nelix.

  ‘I can sort of tell. It did look quite obvious’ Nelix replied

  ‘I do apologise. I did see the opportunity’ Lars said, ‘By the way, I’m Lieutenant General Lars and I’m in charge of this operation.’

  ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you General. I am Nelix. Drake bought me here to help with some recent finding.’

  ‘Yes, he told me about an ancient language you know. Follow me men, I will show you what we have uncovered so far.’

Nelix and Drake trail Lars along the pathway toward a concrete slab surrounded by directed lights. Nelix gets a cold shiver down his spine with a feeling of déjà vu. He walks toward the slab and reads the symbols,

  ‘Yep…that definitely says base.’

  ‘That is incredible. Where did you learn this language

   to begin with?’ Lars asked.

Nelix pulls out his mud-stained bible to further explain what he knows.

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