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     So, here I'm going to talk about the only dumbass bitch here! You guessed it, Jdc092778. Aka Nicole the 'wolf' even though her profile pictures are nekomimi's most of the time.

     So, she started this around 2017 or 2018 I believe. I used to be good friends with her but, what happened? I found this out. I had to end that friendship with her. I didn't want a friend that was a monster. Now, she is. She's made so many people physically hurt themselves. Also made 2 people commit suicide I believe.

     She's forced people into relationships.. Like my friend @IHaveNoLifeUwUu and someone else.
I don't know why some people are on her side when they don't know the full story. Like, she's a monster. She manipulates people, too. She's threatened to hurt many users like Khun. She's an annoying bitch who just wants to hurt people then play the victim card.

     Nicole is a bad person. Wattpad does nothing about her and @Kailathecoyote got a warning but Nicole hasn't? Fuck you, Wattpad. Like, straight up fuck you.

You're a ignorant piece of shit, you know that? I feel sorry for your parents because they raise a ungrateful child like you. You're always like "Ugh my dad drew my drawing I hate it!!1!!1". You could just say "Thanks, dad. I love your art style.". I'd say that to my dad, but I didn't have a dad growing up. Nicole, leave Wattpad. Please, we all beg you. We don't want to deal with your shit anymore. You've made Wattpad less enjoyable for us. Thanks, you little shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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