Ben X fem Reader

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(Y/N) slides across the kitchen floor while laughing as her slippery socks make it slightly hard to stand without falling. Ben watches with amusement in his eyes, watching as she tries to stand back up but ends up falling again. Ben looks at (Y/N) as she finally stands up straight and goes to the counter, pulling out ingredients she needs for baking. Ben walks to (Y/N) and slowly places his hands on her hips. Ben places a small kiss between (Y/N)'S shoulder and neck sending shivers down her spine. Ben chuckles a little before sliding over to the oven to turn it on. (Y/N) starts mixing ingredients into the bowl while softly humming a tune. Ben finishes turning the stove on and walking back over to his lover. Ben softly wraps his arms around (Y/N)'s waist, slowly swinging side to side while humming along to the tune. (Y/N) flings herself from Ben's grip, walking over to the now preheated oven and places the pan with the mixture into the oven.
                            An hour later
(Y/N) and Ben lay on the couch cuddling, feeling all relaxed until the smell of something burning fills their nostrils. Ben jumps up from the couch and quickly runs over to the oven to see smoke coming out of it. He opens the oven door while coughing and fans the smoke away. (Y/N) walks up behind him and sighs. "Test number #14 is another failure," (Y/N) laughs. Ben gives (Y/N) a kiss on the forehead before saying "Better luck next time, love,".

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