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When I opened my eyes I was lying in a log cabin. A wood stove was burning across the room from me and a mahogany table and chairs.

I stood up and walked towards the wood stove to warm my hands. As I did Someone walked into the cabin behind my. Whipping around I saw a boy my age walk into the cabin. He had curly hair that was nut brown. He had smiling brown eyes and was wearing a black leather jacket.

"Well princess! joined the waking world I see."

"Where am i?" I asked nervously.

" I'm robin, and your in my house. as for where that is, it's in the other-world," he said.

"I'm maria. now explaine. Whays the other world?" I said.

"I think you'll find out you know soon enough," robin said with a mischievous grin.

"Your kind of scaring me," I said nevosly.

Robin laughed. "And why would that be Princesess?"

"You just told me I woke up in another world. you then proceeded to tell me that I would find i knew about this place was soon enough!"

"That's because you do know. Only the ones who belong here can come through the portal. And you came through, so you will find this is your home."

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