The fall

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"Yes!" I yelled, standing tippy toe near the edge. "I did it!"

All my life I had been waiting for this moment, the first time I really got to go on a real adventure. Sure, I'd gone on "adventures" with my cousins in the woods behind my house, but now I was really all alone, in little explored country.

For my fifteenth birthday my parents allowed me to go backpacking all alone. I was now all alone for the next week.

As all this was passing through my head, a huge gust of wind whipped through the trees, ruffling my hair and throwing me off balance. Seconds later a second gust of gale force wind knocked me off the cliff above the waterfall.

In an instant I was tumbling head over heels, straight towards the water below. When I fell I got that feeling like when you dream about falling and your stomach seems to drop, only I knew this was real.

I knew I was about to die and I could do nothing About it. The water was still a ways away, but that ment nothing but the fact I had more time to gain speed.

I clenched my eyes shut and closed my fists. A few seconds I assumed, though they seemed like each was their own little infinity, passed and I hit the water.

When I hit I opend my eyes and held my breath. A spray of tiny white air bubbles came up around me and suddenly, everything was black.

A new wayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora