dark figure/note

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Hey guys its ur Lazy A/N here what up  this story today probably gonna suck so dont bother Unless u wanna know what going on anyways lets get on with it


I showed swiss and sandra around the
Circus they really enjoyed it Well during the tour Sandra would stare at somthing and Turn back Quickly as if she didnt want us to see what she was looking at im really worried about her she dosent seem to like it here And i want her to consider this as her new home but i guess it takes time..

Sandra POV:
During the tour i saw a Black figure With a flamingo on there head  staring at us i didnt want G0Z to see what i was staring at  and get worried so i would always turn back Quickly and act like  i was paying attention but i think G0Z caught me im not sure tho..

-The next day because im so lazy right now Lmao-

It was 10:30am everybody was up doing there thing G0z and Yukc0 went out Somewhere and morgenne was In charge
Sandra was in her room thinking about the dark figure that had a flamingo on there head 'who was that' she wondered was it another circus memeber A friend? She wasent sure When she was about to Go play with the group she heared a knock on her window so she turned around and saw the figure she then Yelped and noticed it left a note on her window she then slowly walked up to her window and opened the window grabing the note quickly and closing de window She then opens the letter and it says

"If u tell anybody about me there will be trouble ur way dont show this letter to anybody and do as i say or else Swiss gets hurt got it? Now i will be sending u notes of what to do if u dont do it Swiss gets hurt if u do it He dosent get hurt got it? Now tomrrow is ur first task Alright?... and put this Neckless on..

Her eyes were shocked Someone was threating her she had to do It or else swiss gets hurt she then sighs and puts the neckless on it was a shiny Neckless with her name on it But it kinda looked like a dog collar...
She then Hides the note under her bed and Goes outside to play with the group and acts like nothing happend..

>welp bye now im tired T^T also go read my new story The puppet<

Twitter: Eastermidnight
Instagram: kawaii_kittenty123
Youtube: Midnight chan myth
Roblox: kawaii_kittenty123

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