war can be as big as you make it

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Slowly I and Sasha made our way down the hill towards our base. ''Well, that was interesting." Sasha said while petting dark. Petra giggled. "Someone had an eye on eagle~." Quickly I turned my head towards Petra. "No, no I didn't." Sasha smirked. "Oh, come on. It was a nice joke." I shoke my head slowly. "You girls are horrible sometimes." I could hear Happy snicker behind me. "Hey, don't pick sides." I heard Petra and Sasha giggle the whole way back to our house. Slowly Happy pushed the gate open with his nose and went inside. Robin was busy feeding the babies and smiled when he saw us. "Back already?" He said while dropping the meat into the large feeding bowl. "Yeah, we did meet some new people." Robin put down the bucket gently. "Hostile ones?" "No, they were friendly." Petra said while getting off Happy. Happy walked towards the water bowl and drunk someone of the fresh water. "Anything we can do today?" I asked while taking a sip from my water bag. "Not really, since that tribe is gone everything has been pretty quiet. Petra nodded. "I do get worried about the strange behaviour of the obelisks that surround the island." Robin said. "Their beacons go off sometimes.. like they're broken." Petra and Sasha stared at one another. "What happens if they are indeed broken?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe Henry does." Robin said while walking with back inside with us. "Hey." Henry said while getting dressed. "Hey." Sasha said. "You maybe got any idea why the Obilisks are acting so strange lately?" Henry shakes his head. "No, I have no clue." He said giving us a worried face. While eating our dinner we talked about it for a while and decided we couldn't do anything about it.

"Good night Robin." I said while getting in bed. "Good night." He said softly. Slowly I closed my eyes and everything went slowly dark. A loud bang woke me up. The base vibrated while the loud sound slowly disappeared. "Why is it so dark now.." Robin asked while grabbing a candle. I got up slowly and looked outside the dinosaurs all made concerned and scared sounds. "I don't see the blue Obilisk." I said. "Then you clearly need glasses.. it's 50 feet away from our base and it's huge." Robin said while lighting the candle. "Well, or it has stopped with giving light or it's gone.." I said looking at Robin. "Whatever, let's go back to bed.. it doesn't seem that someone is attacking us." I heard Sasha and Petra talk with each other. Henry's and Cine's voice came from the room across ours. Slowly Hermen walked into our room. "Everyone okay?" He asked looking around in our room. "Yeah, just a nearly heart attack." Robin said while laying down in bed. "Good, I checked our guardian towers and everything is fine, just in case I've let the raptor lose. So if there is someone in our base.. he won't live very long." Hermen said. Slowly leaving the room. "We'll investigate it tomorrow." Hermen said after he closed the door. I went back into my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Is it possible that maybe something crashed onto the island?" I turned my head towards Robin. "No idea, but we should sleep." I said back softly. "I can't sleep." Robin said right after letting a loud sigh out. "What do you want to do then." Robin grinned. "Figure out what's going on." I gave him a little grin. "Hermen would kill us, besides. It's dangerous outside when it's dark, a Trex could sneak upon you and you wouldn't even notice." Robin laughed. "Not like you will feel half the earth shake when one if them moves." We both laughed.

"Morning." Petra said while stepping into our room. Robin hung over the edge of the bed snoring like a wood sawingfactory. "I may guess you didn't sleep much, did you Peter?" I groaned. "5 more minutes." I hide my face for the light that showed up from the hallway. "5 more minutes it is." She said while throwing a pillow at Robin. "Would you mind stopping with cutting all those trees and come down for breakfast?" Petra said with a grin. Robin threw it back and rolled himself back onto the bed. "I hate you." He said softly. Petra smiled. "Yeah, we love you too grumpy." Petra went downstairs and sat down next to Sasha. "Are they coming?" She asked while shoving a peace of bread into her mouth. "Yeah, eventually. Want to come with me to investigate the sound?" Petra said grabbing a plate off the table. "Sure." Sasha said back. "Good morning." Henry said as soon as he walked inside with an empty bucket. "The wyverns are all feed up." He said while whipping the sweat off his face. "I'm starving." He said while sitting down next to sasha. "Morning all." I said while I walked down followed by Robin. "Did you already see something suspicious Henry?" Sasha said drinking her water. "Yeah, the Obilisk seems gone." I sasha and Petra stared at him for a moment. "Obelisks don't vanish." I said while giving Henry a confused face. "Well, I no longer saw it over the walls and the beacon is no longer there either." He said shrugging. Slowly I got up and grabbed my jacket. "Who wants to come?" I asked. Before I knew it Sasha and Henry stood behind me with their jackets. "Let's go." They said. Happy greeted me together with Dark and Yara. The low purring sound that came from Happy became louder the more we walked towards his stable. "Good morning little hug bug." I said rubbing Happy his nose. Softly Petra tapped me on the shoulder. "The Obilisk is gone." She said when I turned my head towards her. "Ohw." I said softly, a deep smoke smell burned it's way into our noses. "Something is on fire." Sasha said while putting the saddle of Dark on the rex her back. "Let's go." Sasha said while walking towards the gate with Dark. "Coming I said while climbing onto the back of Happy. Happy used his nose to push me onto his back. "Thanks bud." Slowly Dark opened the gate and we walked down the path. When we were on the other side of the mountain the smell of burning materials got stronger. Right in front of us laid the remaining of the Obilisk. The sides of the obilisk spit out some electrical flashes. "It, fell out the air?" Petra said getting off Yara. "I guess so." Sasha said shrugging. Behind us Henry and Robin approached us onto their Raptors. "Found anything?" They screamed. "Yes, and I don't know what caused it!" I yelled back. Henry slowly got off his Raptor and kneeled down. "Looks like it just, fell down out of nowhere." Henry said. "I don't see any visible damage from explosions or bullets." He got up and shrugged. "It just fell out of the air." Robin thought a bit. "We discovered earlier that the obelisk were kept in the air by magnetic fields that surround the island." He said while taking notes. "You mean that, the magnetic fields, that keep those gigantic beacons in the air are all going to fall back down?" Henry nodded. "That's possible." Sasha stared at Henry. "Did you boys actually already figure out what the purpose is of these things?" Henry shoke his head. "No idea, they can be beacons, messenger devices." Robin just kept writing into his diary. "Hey nerd, you done?" Petra said while grabbing the diary out of his hands. "Give that back." Robin snarled. "Why?" Petra asked while letting her head rest on his head. "Please." She dropped the diary into his hands and climbed back onto Yara her back. "Let's go back, we can't do anything about it anyways." I nodded and climbed onto happy his back. "It's still creepy." Robin says while getting onto his Raptors back. "Agree, it's odd. I hope the island will be okay. Not like we got a place to run to." When we arrived the gates we got greeted by Hermen. "Look who decided to visit." He said happily. Tim hugo and dymiar smiled kindly when they approached us. "Long time no see." Hugo said smiling. "Why the visit?" I asked curiously. "We defeated one of the 2 bosses on the island. The other tribe defeated one too. As soon as the monsters stopped breathing we heard a loud bang and saw one of the beacons launch to the ground." Henry stared at me and Sasha. "You meant to say, that those beacons represent 2 monsters. But there are 3 beacons." Henry said confused. "That's why the came, I think. The island hides 2 more monsters somewhere." I nodded. "Any idea where those monsters could be?" Sasha grinned. "Shouldn't be too hard to find a giant snake right?" I laughed. "Let's hope it's not a giant snake. I hate snakes.." Henry said shivering. "No spider please." Sasha said giving me a disgusted face. Robin just sat on a rock taking notes. "I might have an idea." He said after a while. "Those beacons are connected to those monsters right?" He said while getting up slowly. "Is it possible we can use the beacons to track the monsters?" Henry smiled. "Clever, possibly." Yara sneaked to Tim and pushed her nose against his back. "Hey my lady." Tim said while rubbing her nose. Robin walked over to the stable and slowly lead out his Raptor. I go take a look at the other obilisks. Maybe I see something that helps us. Alpha walked towards us while dragging a saddle with her. "Uhmn, I think someone wants to join the trip." I walked towards Alpha and rubbed her nose. "You sure?" I asked softly. She pushed the saddle over the floor onto my feet. "I take that as a yes." I said while picking up the saddle and laid it down onto her back.  Do me a favour Alpha, and don't launch me off." Alpha her grin said enough. "You are gonna do an attempt aren't you." I slowly lifted up my leg to go sit onto her back. Surprisingly she stood still. Until, I sat down. "Help!" I screamed while Alpha raced towards the gate and stopped right in front of it. Her head turned towards me and a grin was visible on her face. "Mean." I said softly. "Woah, she's quick." Henry said while breathing heavily. "She for sure is." I said still shaking a little. Alpha grinned and waited for Happy to push the gate open. Yara and Dark followed us. "Maybe we should take our group of rexes with us. Just in case." Sasha said and Hermen nodded. Tim Hugo and Dymiar got onto their dinosaurs too. "Let's go." Henry said while approaching us with about 20 t-rexes following us. Slowly we walked through the gate and continued our journey.

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