Mitch x Clementine

Start from the beginning

So when 5:25 came around they (Aj and Clem) were called down to the office. They were allowed to stay. the teacher told Clem that she would pair her up with two other students to go and make the green house look... More like a green house.

And just her luck she was paired with Mitch and well Ruby too, But Ruby forgave her earlier this week. Mitch being the sour boy he is was resentful but agreed after a lot of threats and convincing. AJ on the other hand was to write a sorry letter to Marlon and some community service.

Clem had no idea why Mitch and Ruby were to help her, she could easily do the entire green house by herself.

But alas they were to help. Mitch was pissed that he couldn't test his and Willy's rocket today, but even more upset that he would have to work with Clem, he could always ignore her though.

The next day Mitch, Ruby and Clem were headed down the grand staircase on their way to the green house, Mitch was extremely pissed a lot more than his usual level.

The teacher had found his fire starter and took it away from him, saying he couldn't use it (fearful that what happened a year ago will happen again) so the trio made there way outside the schools gates to the green house.

Once they got to the door of the green house they pushed open the door Mitch looks around the messy green house, "what Mitch, you really want to go launch that rocket don't you" Ruby said teasingly "I can't that stupid teacher took my fire starter yesterday when I was going to the courtyard." Mitch replied obviously annoyed at the teacher.

Ruby scoffs and walks over to explore the abandoned terrain, Clem follows suit and explores the area as-well leaving Mitch to himself.

Clem bends down looking at some kind of starter for a fire from the 80s or something like that, she picks it up smiling, "hey Mitch is this something that you would need~" Clem asks walking toward him. Mitch turned to see Clem holding a extremely old fire starter.

"Yeah! Thanks Clem!" He says taking it from her open hand. Clem smiles and walks away from the flustered boy. 'wait why am I blushing that's Clem she put my friend in the hospital.'

He shakes the thought out of his head. Ruby shreiks "AHHH!!" Clem and Mitch started to run towards the screams, doing a sharp turn they see Ruby in front of a rotting corpse that was literally turning green, "holy shit" Mitch said looking at it, "we need to bury her." Ruby says identifing the corpse. "I say we burn her." Mitch relpys ignoring Ruby, Clem looks between the two realizing that it was up to her.

"I agree with Mitch burning her is the best option." Clem says walking towards the corpse and throwing it over her shoulders while picking up some gasoline.

Mitch stands in shock, his mouth curving upward his face bursting into a bright red hue. 'why am I feeling this way?' he wondered


Clem and Mitch stood around the burning corpse, Ruby left a little bit before this event. "Hey Clem?"
Mitch said.

"Yeah Mitch?" "I think I might be sick or allergic to you..." He said turning to face her. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well when ever I'm around you my heart starts to beat extremely fast, my face gets all red and- and I don't want to hate you, something inside me is forcing me to not hate you even though my mind is shouting 'you hate her' I don't get it..." He says clearly embarrassed.

"So great and tough Mitch likes me?" She says cooley but a blush clearly started to form on her face.

Mitch thought about him likeing her and stuff like 'what would happen if they dated' and stuff like that.

I guess he did like Clem somewhere in his heart. "I guess I do like you..." He said.

"That's good because I like you too." She said 'how did this escalate to this so fast? Like two seconds ago I hated her! Now I'm in love with her! I guess I really didn't hate her...' Mitch thought.

"So... What are we now...." Mitch asked. "Well If you want we could like... Be together- like relationship wise... Like, lovers..." Clem said

"That would be great." Mitch said.


They walk into the building hand in hand, Violet and Louis' eyes widen. Willy runs up to them "are you two dating?" He asks Mitch flicks his head "yeah."

"Woahhhh pretty lit." Willy says looking at the two. Later at dinner everyone was asking them questions on how it happened and Mitch's change of heart.

For the next few weeks Clem started to wear one of Mitch's sweaters instead of her own, Mitch thought that it looked great on her.

But he started to notice Louis and Violet trying to swoon her, Violet didn't make big moves it goes at Clem but Louis did, again Violet and Louis had completely different personalities leading to the size and consistency with trying to get with someone,
And Mitch was getting tired of it. So, he went to Louis.

"Hey Louis, do you like anyone?" Willy asked Louis, Mitch was behind the wall listening in on their conversation.

"Well I kinda like a person but if I told anyone people would kill me..." Louis said "your damn right I would" Mitch's sudden presence scared Louis.

"H-hey Mitch... Uhh... I gotta go!" Louis squeaked

Mitch grabbed Louis's coat as he tried to make a escape he threw him against the wall.

"Who do you like." Mitch said taking out the fire starter and putting it by Louis' neck.

Louis looked down "i-i l-like the t- transfer student... That came from the north frontier school..." Louis said tearing up.

"Mariana?" Mitch asked "no..." Louis said looking up for a second then back down. "Wait... Gabe?" He asked the poor boy being pinned onto the wall.

"Yeah! I hit on Clem so it would draw suspicion away from me..." Mitch lets go of Louis "I'm sorry Lou..." Mitch says, "you like me?" A voice says from the corner.

Gabe emerges looking at Louis with a small smile. Louis starts to freak, Gabe runs up and gives him a hug.

"Welp I'm going to take that as my chance leave" Mitch says before grabbing Willy and dragging him out.

And that's how two couples came to be.


1704 words not as much as yoshiki's chapter.

Next up:

Izuku Midoriya x Reader.


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