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They heard the sounds of the strong winds piercing through the dead trees in the forest as the rain lightly splashed onto the dry soil beneath his feet. "We better go back home," said Dennis. "It will be very hard to see if we remain out here." His hand gently slid its way to Winnie's paw, she closed her paw around his hand tightly and turned back, guiding him to turn in the same direction she was in.

As they both walked back, the journey was quickly put to a halt as thick, dark oak wood blocked their path. The edges of the oak wood had sharp pointed edges like they were teeth that were once connected to a strong piece of tree that stood to their right. "Dennis I'm scared, the winds and rain are making it hard to see," she declared. And she was right. By now the rain and wind had become so strong together it feels like shards of broken glass hit you in the face but for the shards of glass to quickly turn into water that messed up her fur and his hair. "Don't worry. I know how to get us out of here safely," he said with confidence as an attempt to calm her down. The truth of it was that he was panicking and didn't know what to do. He saw a small path to follow as the wind blew shards of rain onto his face, he tightened his grip on Winnie's paw and stormed straight ahead following the winding pathway. As they approached, the loud roaring sound of the waterfall made itself known to them both as they approached a very thin walkway that was just over the long drop to the water below. He gulped as he looked down. Scanning how far the drop might be, it would be sure to hurt to land in that water.

"Winnie, we have to be careful here. I can't turn into my bat form in these conditions and you won't be able to get across without my help," he sighed as cold water droplets floated down his red cheeks. "We do this together," Winnie said, closing her eyes and then opening them again to gaze into his eyes. She is putting so much trust in me. This waterfall has notoriously been named The Cliff that Swallows, so many monsters have come here to disappear but none have ever been seen jumping off. They just walked across the walkway and then . . .

"Don't let go of my hand, no matter what happens. Hold on tight just like you did when you hugged me when we were younger," he gently guided her onto the first step of the walkway. Her back was against the icy cold stone that made her shiver as she leaned into it. Surprisingly she kept her head straight and never looked down. Such a brave werewolf, he thought, watching her carefully to make sure that she doesn't slip or misplace her step. His back was against the stone, it was damp and thick with moss growing all over. Little by little, their steps were getting them closer to the edge. By now half an hour might have passed, it was hard to tell. But his legs ached and so did the arm that had a grip on Winnie's paw, she didn't show any sign of fatigue but those furry legs of hers were shaking. Whether that was because of the cold shards of water slicing its way through her fur or from the pain of having to be as still as a lake while making the smallest steps, he could not know for sure.

Crassshhhh, the water pounded the rocks below. The end of the walkway was clear of debris and they both could easily get out of this without any issue. Dennis chewed his lip and felt a shivering sensation of a dread flush over his body from head to toe. Something didn't feel right he knew but pushed this to the back of his mind still making sure Winnie was safe as she edged closer to the end of the blasted walkway. "Almost there my Zing," she said, there was a tone of worry from her words but there was also a hint of excitement as well. Her soft but wet paws finally reached the end of the walkway, she howled with triumph as he finally cleared the walkway too. "You're the best my Zing," she exclaimed before quickly planting a sloppy kiss on his nose. He let out a small grin but he felt his face flush with heat as he slowly turned into a red tomato.  "Come, Winnie. We must get back home, it will be safe and warm."

The wind screeched as they both tried to make out the pathway that leads back to the castle.  The rain hadn't stopped and made the journey much more painful Dennis reflected once more struggling to see. As he walked, that same sensation of dread taken over his body, "Winnie I don't like the feeling of th-". . .


The ground beneath them split apart and swallowed Winnie quickly before he could react. That loud thunderous sound of the crashing water below hitting stone became as loud as it was back on the walkway. Dennis felt like he was flying, I am flying but I am not a bat, he thought. He looked down and saw the water below open its jaws to yawn, swallowing him up as if the water hadn't noticed. He closed his eyes and soon felt cold seep into his shoes and clothes.

A loud howl was left echoing in the distance as the roar of the water crashing against the rocks was louder, quickly consuming any other noise close by.

Winnie & Dennis: You're my Friend and My ZingWhere stories live. Discover now