Chapter 7 "They Saw"

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(Next day)

(Bruce walks up on the front porch)

(He slowly sit down)

(A car slowly pull in)

(A couple gets out of the car)

Guy: Wants up Bruce!!!

Bruce: Hey Justin!, Hey Becky!

(They walk up to the front porch)

Justin: How is she doing?

Bruce: Not good,

Justin: We, saw how bad she was

Bruce: Did you?

Becky: Yeah, don't you remember?

Bruce: Nope

Becky: Everybody, saw her, no body never would of through, she will not make it

(the pastor pulled in)

Becky: Who is that?

Bruce: The pastor

Adam: Hello! how are you doing Bruce?

Bruce: Doing alright(He smiled)

Becky: I'm Becky, i'm Alex cousin,

(Show them talking)

(Alex gets up of the bed)

(She slowly enter the living room)

Justin: I'm happy she is still here

Becky: Me to

Adam: Well, we just need to be blessed, she is alright, and she is living her life

(Alex walks outside of the house)

(Alex she start to cry)

Alex: I don't remember none,

Bruce: Do you know who i'm?

Alex: no i'm sorry(He hug her)

Bruce: Everything is going to be alright, i promise babe

Adam: I think, we need to pray for her

Becky: I agree, before we leave, to go back to new York(Show them praying around her, camera zoom out slower)

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