Prince Stoneheart's Requiem

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"Father! Father!" You exclaimed, as you rushed excitedly from your chamber.

It was larger and nicer than you had expected so you couldn't wait to fully personalize everything. Initially, you had thought you would hate the move to new lands, but so far, so good. As you made it down the long corridor, you bolted into the Study.

"Father! You were right. Kattegat is not as awful as I had anticipated. The servants just helped me put up the canopy around my bed like back home."

Amused by your words, your father stroked his beard as he raised his head. His hazel eyes observed you as he sat at a large desk strewn with documents.

As always, there was hardly any leisure time for him. Even though your family had only arrived two days prior, your father was already he buried in his work.

"I am glad to hear that, Y/N." He replied with a pleased but almost smug expression. "Did I not tell you to trust your father? I will never steer your wrong."

"I suppose. But must you be so proud of being right?" You asked with a laugh.

"Of course. What kind of parent would I be if I did not take time to gloat when given the opportunity?"

Laughing, you gingerly walked to him and looked over his shoulder.

"Father, can you and I do something today? The servants said Mother has gone on some errand but I am eager to see more of this place."

Your father shook his head, his long dark locks swaying as he did so. Though he couldn't leave his work, he informed you that your sisters were getting ready to go into town. Apparently, they wanted to get new dresses made and had somehow forgotten to invite you along.

Perhaps it was because they were both older or they felt you wouldn't be interested.

"I think you should go along." Your father suggested as he picked up a container of red wax and began to melt it. "It would not only be more enjoyable with them, but you have my permission to to buy as you please."

"But I do not wish to just buy things as they do. I want to see more of Kattegat. And I know they will just spend the entire time in shops and at merchant stands."

Your father looked at you thoughtfully as he placed the now melted container of wax down.

"I understand." He said with all the understanding you had come to expect from him. "Just have this little outing with your sisters today and I promise to make time for us to do something later this week. Just you and I."

Since your father was always so kind, you didn't want to keep pestering him any further. Agreeing to the excursion with your elder sisters, you gave him a kiss and left him to his papers.


"Aaliya, just look at this place!" Your sister Sheena exclaimed as the three of you sat in the horse drawn carriage. "Oh, and over there. I see a dressmakers that appears to have expensive fabrics."

If anything got them excited, it was spending your father's hard earned wealth on fancy things. From dresses to jewelry, your sisters spent their time procuring the best of everything. You, on the other hand, were slightly different. Though you enjoyed having nice things, it was never your focus.

In fact, shopping didn't excite you like it did Sheena and Aaliya. Truth be told, you were more of an adventurer. With your father being Indus (Indian) and your mother being from the land of the Nubians, you were more fascinated by cultures.

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