Start from the beginning

"Did you set a timer?" "Yes i did. I put the time the recipe said." "Alright, perfect. Look at you, playing chef in the kitchen for once." "Excuse you, i happen to cook plenty at home." "I call bull. You both eat here way more than you do at your own home and I don't ever hear Raphael talk about your cooking." "I cook! I follow plenty of recipes to feed my son. Step one: select a takeout menu. Step two: order something he will eat because the last time I used that oven, the fire department wasn't happy." "And how long ago was that?" "How long have we been together?" Alec tries not to laugh too loudly so the kids aren't disturbed by it but he does let out one ugly snort before some quiet chuckles. Magnus pouts playfully and bats his eyes at the taller man, who gently kisses his temple for his efforts.

By the time the credits roll, the timer goes off on the oven. Alec gently guides Max's head onto a pillow instead and places Madzie onto a blanket on the floor with her toys on it. The Lightwood heads into the kitchen to check everything while the Bane stays on the couch with the boys. After about two minutes, everyone is called to the table. Magnus places Madzie in her highchair as the boys take their seats. Max immediately pouts when he sees his plate.

"Daddy! Why do you cut my food for me? I can do it! I'm almost six!" "No, Max. No knives for you until you're at least ten. Raphael, do you want help with your food?" "Yes, please." "I'll help him, Alexander." Magnus cuts his son's chicken for him and Max continues to pout, going as far as trying to push the green beans completely off his plate and onto the table. Alec stops him and puts a hand on Max's.

"Maxwell, no. You need to eat vegetables." "But I don't like green beans!" "Since when? You ate them two nights ago no problem." "I think someone wants to give up ice cream tonight. I remember that you said he could have ice cream if he behaved, Alexander." "You're right." "No!" "Alright, i think we need some time to cool off." Alec gets out of his chair and picks Max up, taking the boy to his room while Magnus finishes cutting up Raphael's food. The Bane child looks up at his father in confusion and concern as he hears Max crying. Magnus feels a pang in his heart when he sees the fear in his son's eyes.

"Papa, is Max in big trouble? Is Alec going to be like mom when I threw fits?" "No, baby. Alexander is just going to talk to Max and see why he's so upset, maybe give him a time out and no ice cream. Eat your dinner." "Okay." Magnus quickly puts something over Max and Alec's plates while he feeds Madzie, letting Raphael feed himself. He will never forgive Camille for instilling so much fear into his son, not until the day he dies. Magnus reaches over and strokes Raphael's hair as he eats, easing some tension. Raphael might not remember the incident given that he was too young, but he still has nightmares of the memory and the scars that his mother left him.


Raphael was about two when Magnus discovered how much of a monster his now ex-wife was. The boy was upset because he didn't speak up like his mom wanted to when he needed to be changed and he leaked onto his pants. Camille was furious that her friends saw what her son did so she sent her friends home and took Raphael to his room where he started throwing a fit. He didn't like his mom's grip on his arm and how angry she was. Camille lets go of the toddler's arm and makes him stand in front of her.

"Raphael, what happened to you being a big boy and telling me when you needed your diaper changed?" "I no know!" "Do NOT yell at me, you little shit! I am your MOTHER!" "No no mama!" "SHUT UP!" Camille sits on the rocking chair in the boy's room and yanks Raphael over her lap, stripping the saturated diaper and stained pants off of him roughly. The boy's skin is already inflamed from a nasty rash as he squirms, kicking his legs as he's pinned by his mother's right forearm against her thighs. Camille starts to spank Raphael harshly, noticing after a moment that her wedding ring is causing the boy's upper thighs and bottom to bleed from scratches it creates. That doesn't slow her down however. She continues to spank her son harshly, ignoring his screams and pleas for her to stop.

Magnus comes home and hears his son, causing him to panic as he hears the pain in the toddler's cries. He runs to Raphael's room and sees Camille being overly harsh as well as the blood on the boy. All he sees is red as he pulls Raphael into his arms, the toddler sobbing into his father's shoulder. The man is livid as he looks at his wife.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" "He needed to be taught a lesson, honey." "He's fucking bleeding! He's two years old yet you're punishing him so severely! Get out!" "Magnus, you can't jus-" "OUT BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE! WE'RE GETTING A DIVORCE I CANT LET SOMEONE LIKE YOU AROUND MY SON!" Camille snarls at her husband and backhands him hard across the face before leaving, a bruise starting to form on Magnus' cheek. He didn't even care, all that mattered was that his son was safe from her. Magnus went into auto pilot for the rest of the night, cleaning the wounds and treating the rash before allowing Raphael to stay in his bed for the night. The next day, he had a large bruise on his cheek as he spoke to divorce lawyers.

In the end, Camille got fined and about nine months jail time as well as no visitation rights to Raphael. Magnus filed a restraining order on her and she continues to pay court ordered child support and alimony.


Magnus is brought back to his surroundings by Madzie babbling, wanting another bite of her food. The man smiles and continues to feed the baby girl, eyes traveling to his son occasionally. Raphael eats his food quietly but seems much more relaxed now which Magnus is grateful for. He briefly wonders what's going on in Max's room between his boyfriend and his son but doesn't linger on it, knowing Alec is a good man and won't do anything rash.

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