Chapter 5: How I Met your Mother

Start from the beginning

Connor snickers and retracts his blade
Haytham; get off me you little brat!
I shouted
Connor: I did not hear a please anywhere in that sentence, or is my English worse than I thought?
I huffed at this
Haytham:I am not going to beg you to get off, I am demanding you to
Connor: no!
I started to build rage within me, I hate this brat I thought
Haytham: dammit Connor! What are you trying to prove?
I asked
Connor: nothing consider this is my message
As Connor bends down so his face is closer to mine, I can't help but notice that he's soaked and is getting me wet too.

Connor: never follow me again, you are lucky that I hesitate to kill you. Even though you are no use to me, we're I wiser you would be dead. But I'll let you live this time, but I mean it leave me alone.. my affairs are my own.
Haytham: and what if they concern me?
I asked as I was curious to know what he would say
Connor: then approach me next time, rather than hiding and pretending I can't see you.
I sighed
Haytham: fine you proved your point, now kindly remove yourself.. you are still on top of me
I though for a moment
Connor: one word
I sigh again at him
Haytham: please get off me
Connor pats my right cheek, and he gets me up in a instant I'm on my own feet.

Connor: was that so hard?
Haytham: who is Doctor White?
I asked him as I completely ignored his first reply
Connor: someone of no importance, to you father
I shrug I don't truly care that much
Haytham: fine just curiosity is all
Connor: hmph if you say so
An uncomfortable silence settles between the two of us, I look at my hooded son. If things were different, maybe instead of the awkward silence there would be shared of laughter. Instead of standing there awkwardly we could have walk to home together, if only things were different I thought.

Ah this is pointless no use in wondering what might have been, Connor will always hate me. And though I feel regret and even sorrow at this thought, there is not enough there to warrant any major life changes to appease him. I have no love for Connor anyway! There is something maybe a flicker of hope, that things will change... but whatever it is I feel, it is not love I thought.
Connor: well I suppose... I should've be off now
Connor said clearing his throat, with some hesitation. As if he wants me to stop him from going, he turns he begins walking down the alleyway. I notice again that Connor is soaked, he folds his arms in what looks like a poor attempt at warmth. He is shivering ever so slightly, perhaps the young boy doesn't have any layers that I wear.
Haytham: Connor wait!
I called out to him, Connor pauses at the end of the alley and looks at me over his shoulder.

Connor: yes?
He replies
Haytham: where.. if you don't mind me asking, where are you heading?
I asked
Connor: New York, there is something there that requires my attention
Haytham: I mean right now son
Connor shrugs his shoulders
Connor: a Tavern I suppose, it is late and I have no desire to ride all the way to New York without some rest.. why?
Haytham: well... I was just concerned you look rather cold
Connor tilts his head, as if I'm speaking a language he doesn't know.
Connor: you know what concerned means?
I chuckled at this
Haytham: funny
Connor: is my answer satisfactory?
Haytham: yes I suppose
Connor turns around, but then he stops
Connor: would you be... interested in...
I huffed in annoyance
Haytham: well? Out with it
Connor soon faces me, why does he look nervous?
Connor: would you be interested in assisting me?
Haytham: hmmm we can discuss it, just not out here. I for one enjoy being where it's dry.
Connor nods
Connor: that is fine with me.

Connor Point of view
Father and I sit in the room, I have rented for the night. I'm sitting near the fire trying to warm up at least a little, my father is sitting on the edge of the bed. Also looking at him reminds me of what I thought on my ship. For a man I believed to be is cruel, so violent he seems so calm and gentle now. I thought I don't know which side of him, is the real Haytham both I guess.
Connor: I've heard rumour of this band of thieves within New York, they're stealing to both enrich themselves and provide for the British. I aim to put a stop to it, if not the colonists struggle then for the people.
I say rubbed my hands near the fire, the thunder which grows even louder can be heard in the background. The chatter downstairs has died to almost none, most of the people have likely retreated to their homes to escape the storm.
Haytham: rumour.. you've heard a rumour
My father echoes after a long silence
Connor: rumour that I have looked on, it is true.
Haytham: very well I will accompany you, should be interesting.
Connor: good we can leave first thing in the morning

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