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Between Chapters 19 & 20


Nico B. Forrest

"Dear Passengers, we are about to land in New York. Please buckle up your seat belt and sit tight. I hope you have enjoyed your flight!" I woke up with a start to a muffled voice.

My head was groggy and my vision was blurred. I looked to my right. Zoey had an earphone plugged into one of her ear and was leaning on the window, asleep. I looked around. The light was dim, probably because many others were asleep. I lifted my wrist and squinted, trying to read the time displayed on my watch-12.30. I sighed. Suddenly, I felt something coming up my throat. I searched frantically for a paper bag but it was too late. It all came out and landed on...

"WHAT THE HELL, FORREST?!" Zoey exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it," I apologised, trying to clean off the puke from her shorts.

"You dickhead," she mumbled before standing up.

"Where are you going?" an air stewardess asked Zoey.

"The washroom?"

"Sorry but you can't, my dear. The plane is about to land. Please return to your seat and buckle up. Thank you."

"Urghhh.." Zoey groaned before returning to her seat.

"Aren't you gonna clean it up?" I asked when I realised it is still on her shorts when she came back. I could see a blush crawling up her cheeks. "What happened?"

"Don't talk about it. You're sooo dead."

Before I could respond, the plane jerked. I felt it crawling up my throat again. My face must have turned green because I heard Zoey said, "Oh no. Not again." and started searching for a paper bag. She managed to find one before I let it all out.

"Thanks," I managed to say as I wiped my mouth.

"No problem." she replied with a small smile.

The plane came to a halt and everyone stood up, collecting their baggages from the above compartment. I took mine and help with Zoey's. "Thanks," it was her turn to say it.

"Welcome, Hunter."


"Finally! You've been in there for ages," I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up! You were the one who caused me all these troubles," Zoey retorted.

"I couldn't help it so stop putting the blame on me."

"Asshole," she muttered under her breath before carrying her backpack and leaving the waiting area.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"To the MAC, duhhh."

"Wait for me!" I yelled, grabbing my bag and following her.


"Why oh why is there not a cab in sight?" Zoey groaned.

"Can we not take a cab, Hunter?" I asked.

"Why?" she lifted an eyebrow.

"They are the most creepiest transportation on earth..." I started and rambled on about how scary they were and how I was related to it anyhow. From her expression, I could tell how frustrated, not to mention annoyed, she was.


"Now, there isn't a bus available. Are you cursed or something, Forrest?" Zoey groaned for the second time that day.

"Nope," I said.

"Then, why are we so unlucky?" she grumbled, putting unlucky on air quotes.

"Its not we." I replied. "Its you. You're the one who is cursed."

"Urghhh! We'll have to walk then."

"Alright," I agreed readily.

Suddenly, it started raining cats and dogs. "Can this day get any worse?" Zoey mumbled.

"Oh well," I said, heading towards a shop. "You must have been cursed real bad, Hunter," I continued, walking out of the shop with a surprisingly enormous umbrella I managed to find.

"Shut up and get going Forrest," Zoey stated. I smiled, pleased that I managed to annoy her without lifting a finger.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" she asked.

"Don't you need an umbrella?" I questioned her.

"Ermmm... Isn't that for the both of us?" she pointed to the umbrella I was holding on to.

"Well, no. Why would I help you?"

"Can you please share?" she frowned.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Geez, Hunter. You're so stingy."

"Look who's talking," she nudged me.

"Ow!" I grimaced. Zoey rolled her eyes at me as we started on our journey.


Not a very good entry but I did my best. Hope you have enjoyed it. #Zico is to the side. Made using FaceQ. Once again, thank you @foreversmilin aka yas for the wonderful book "Mailboy". All characters belong to her!

P.S. Does the picture look like Zoey and Nico? Please comment and tell me. If it does, I'll make more for the other ships (if only I know how they look like). Also, remember to vote! It means a lot. Thank you soooo muchhh!


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