Chapter Two- All These Things

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Hey, Hi, Hello.

Here is chapter two of the short fic 'Like Ghosts In Snow'. This chapter is really short, sorry): Please enjoy:D I've made a decision regarding the naming of chapters. Each chapter is inspired by a specific song. The name of the song will be the chapter's name. Simple, yes? XD Thanks for reading!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or the songs/pictures used through out the story.

WARNINGS: Um not much. Suigetsu-kun has a revelation.

All These Things by Bullet For My Valentine~


'Torn apart at the seams

And my dreams turn to tears.

I'm not feeling this situation.

Run away, try to find that

safe place you can hide.

It's the best place to be when

you're feeling like...

Me! (Me)

Yeah! (Yeah)

All these things I hate

revolve around me! (Me)

Yeah! (Yeah)

Once more, you tell those

lies to me, why can't you

Just be straight up with honesty?

(Honesty, honesty)

When you say those things in my ear

Why do you always tell me

what you wanna hear (wanna hear,wanna hear)

oh yeah (yeah!)

Wear your heart on your sleeve,

make things hard to believe

I'm not feeling the situation

Run away try to find that

safe place you can hide

It's the best place to be

when you're feeling like




   I realize that I'm not a very good person.

   I understand that. I understand that I've developed some nasty habits. I also understand I am not worth the effort that Suigetsu puts in. But I still keep taking advantage of it. I still go out and get drunk every weekend, like clockwork. Why? Because I can, I guess. I don't have much of an explanation.

   Suigetsu watches me from across the bar, his purple eyes looking dark in the low light. I flash him a smile and down another shot of whiskey. It burned a fiery trail down my throat, pooling in my stomach. For however much I drank, I definitely couldn't hold much alcohol down. Yes, I was a bit of a light weight. The bartender gives me another shot, and I drink that one, too. I was in no mood to procrastinate.

   Three shots later and I'm really beginning to feel it. I couldn't count quite how many I had had- five? Six? It didn't matter. I'd be drug home by Suigetsu soon enough. Sure enough, two more shots pass and then Suigetsu stands. I guess I had to go now. I try to squeeze in a few more shots. There was this really cute guy, who's name was something stupid like Sai, who was buying me drinks. He had pale skin and a fake smile. I smile back at him. He reaches out, touches my hand. I like the feeling of his skin on mine. It made the warmth in my stomach stronger, more intense.

   He's leaning towards me, whispering sweet words in my ear. His breath brushes across my neck and it sends tingles down my spine. Suigetsu decides to intervene now, just as it was getting good. He puts an arm around my waist, easily lifting me up and away from a now frowning Sai. I frown, too- Suigetsu was such a killjoy. "Ssssuigetsssu~" I whine. "Put me down!'

   Suigetsu rolls his eyes. "Time for home, Sasuke."

   Sai looks at him. His dark eyes were narrowed. "Who are you, his babysitter?" Sai wasn't drunk like I was.

   "Feels like it," Suigetsu murmurs. I make a sound of displeasure. I did not need a damn babysitter!

   "Just leave him alone, man," Sai demands. Suigetsu's eyebrows furrow. It makes him funny looking, so I giggle and poke him in the cheek. Suigetsu doesn't even bat an eyelash at my antics; he was too used to them.

   "Whatever. Don't have time to deal with you," Suigetsu comments. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He was so much taller. Not fair. I pout at my treatment.

   "You know what? You can have the little slut. I can find someone else just as willing," Sai snaps. Suigetsu doesn't say anything, and I imagine he rolls his eyes. Maybe so, maybe not. Oh well. Suigetsu begins walking. I frown. I wasn't a slut, was I? I hoped not. That wasn't a very good thing, right? I wasn't sure. I was too drunk to think much.

   Soon, I'm being put in his backseat. "Killjoy," I mutter. "Why don't you leave me alone?"

   Suigetsu frowns at me. "Sasuke, you don't mean that."

   The happy-drunk was leaving. Now I was getting angry, really furious. Why couldn't I have my fun? I wanted to drink more. He wasn't letting me. He was the source of my problems. "Fuck you! I hate you!"

   Suigetsu just sighs and begins to put the seatbelt loosely over me. "No. You don't."

   I change the subject. "Why did you kill your parents?"

   He freezes instantly, and I realize that I've just said something completely wrong, something that crosses the unspoken line between us. His hands are frozen in place, the seatbelt halfway buckled. He looks up at me through his hair. ''Sasuke..." he murmurs. I imagine I look sort of like he does, like a deer in the headlights. Except for I don't have the same heartbroken look in my eyes. There are no tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. There is no final, defeated look. "This is fucking it!" He snaps. "I give the fuck up! Goddammit!"

   "I'm sorry,"  I whisper.

   "Stop fucking lying," he hisses. The seatbelt is buckled and then he gets out of the car, slamming the back door closed in fury. He wrenches the driver's side door open and climbs in. I open my mouth to apologize again, but he sees me beginning to speak from looking in the rear view mirror. "No! STOP TALKING!" He screams. With a horrifying feeling, I realize that his voice cracked. Tears were pouring down his cheeks in slow, sad lines. There was no way I would be able to fix this now.


Done. Sorry if it's too short, but I did say I would update. I'm actually not sure if I'll be able to update 'Freedom'. I am so sorry ): Wattpad isn't working and won't let me update it for whatever reason. Anyway, you can be sure there will be an amazing chapter up Sunday if I can't manage it today.

Love you kiddies <3 please vote and comment.

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