Chapter 1: Call Me Vergil

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(A/N: please read the description before reading!)

They say he has never failed to kill a demon, They say that he has no fear, but that he is fear himself, They say that he has gone through hell and back, They say that the man never smiles. This man can only be known as...

Vergil Sparda...

Vergil Sparda was Powerful, He was Strong, He was incredible. (A/N: And lets not forget that he's super sexy! Am I right ladies?! XD) Any woman would want and try to get in a relationship with 'The' Vergil Sparda. After all, he was quite handsome to say the least. But every time he would go on one of Dante's ridiculous blind dates, he would just bluntly reject the woman's feelings for him. It would seem that the infamous Vergil Sparda can't fall in love no matter how hard he tried.

It wouldn't be too difficult for Vergil to find the perfect woman now would it?

Or perhaps it would be better if he could find...

The perfect Man perhaps?...

Vergil Sparda was taking a short break from the whole demon-hunting business, when a small coffee shop caught his eye. Vergil took a slight peek at the cafe window and only to find it partially abandoned. Seeing as how few people are within the cafe, Virgil took this opportunity to relax from all the stress he's been given. From requests to kill demons, to simply ignoring the feelings he's been given by women.

Vergil opened the door, which caused the bell to chime and took a step inside. Vergil noticed that one of the female waitresses was staring at him. She quickly ran behind the register and started giggling and gossiping to one of the her co-workers, which was a guy by the way, with a huge grin on her face.

Vergil simply sighed and took a seat by the window. He tried to distract himself by watching the people and cars go by. But unfortunately, the gossiping between the two workers was loud enough for Vergil to hear, " Omg! that's Vergil Sparda, he's so freakin hot! You have to go serve him for me (Y/N)! I'll just pass out and make a fool of myself" It seems the Vergil realized that the waitress was just another fan, "Why me? its just Vergil Sparda. I don't see why you can't do it yourself?" Vergil and the waitress was slightly taken back the the man's reply, "Omg...hold up" the woman placed her hand in the air and looked like she was insulted, "(Y/N)... that is the one and only Vergil Sparda, the greatest demon hunter in the world, sitting in our cafe and staring out the window and you're telling me that its 'just Vergil Sparda'?" the waitress quoted, "Alright! alright, I'll go take his order"

The waiter approached Vergil's table and said, "Good evening Mr. Sparda, What would you like for today?" The man seemed calm to approach someone like Vergil. This was new to him, he has never met any human who approached him with such formality before.

Vergil looked at the waiter and said, " I'll just have whatever you think was best for me" The waiter then replied "Very well then". The man returned to the register and Virgil took out a book that was hiding inside his cloak while waiting.

Shortly after that, the waitress grabbed the waiter by the collar and profoundly started to shake him back and forth, "What do you mean 'Whatever you think is best for me'? We don't even know him, ohmygodithinkimgonnadie I...I..I..." the waiter brushed his hands off of the waitress's and tried to calm her down," Ok first of all, you need to calm down. And second, he's just another customer, I'm sure he wouldn't kill us for making him coffee" The waiter then took a large pitcher and added water as it coarsed the ground coffee. He then poured the mixture through a coffee filter to strain the grounds from the mixture so that he is left with a pure clean hot brewed coffee. Next, he added sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon to make the coffee sweet.

He then took the coffee he made and placed it on a tray while making his way towards Vergil, "Here you are Mr.Sparda" Said the waiter while placing the coffee on the table. Vergil thanked the waiter and said, "I appreciate your respect, but by all means do call me Vergil" There was a wheezing sound coming from the register which caused the waiter to chuckle and said,"I'm afraid I can't do that Mr. Sparda. I do hope you Enjoy your coffee though" The waiter spun on his heel and headed back to the register. Virgil wanted to converse more with this waiter, and without hesitation, Vergil spoke,"Wait..." Vergil called, " It seems that there aren't a lot of people here, care to join me?" The waiter turned around and said," I'd quite like that, thank you Mr. Sparda" Then another loud wheezing sound was made from behind the registrar.

The waiter then continued to make his way to the register to remove his apron and took two slices of blueberry cheesecake and a cup of hot cocoa while placing them on a tray. He then made his way back to Vergil and placed the sweets on the table,"I hope you like blueberry cheesecake" said the waiter, "I don't mind at all" Vergil replied back.

The waiter then took a seat in front of Vergil as he introduced himself, "My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sparda" (Y/N) held out his hand for a handshake. Vergil then took (Y/N)'s hand and said," The pleasure is all mine (Y/N)" The moment he took (Y/N)'s hand, Vergil felt as if time had slowed down. He took this opportunity to scan (Y/N). He stared at his facial features which made him look quite handsome to say the least. He stared at (Y/N)'s unbuttoned collar which revealed a chest line and his clavicle. Vergil could only fantasize what this man would look like without a shirt on.

Vergil felt a fain rush of blood flow through his face as he realized that he was staring at (Y/N), "Mr. Sparda, are you feeling alright? You don't seem quite well" Said (Y/N), "Y-Yes I'm alright. It's just stress, that's all". Vergil quickly, but gently, took the cup of coffee he was given and took a sip of it.

He was surprised by the amount of sweetness and the taste of his coffee."It's quite surprisingly sweet" Vergil said, "Yes, it is. I thought that it would help ease your stress and make you feel relaxed" (Y/N) took a sip of his hot cocoa and enjoyed the view at the window as he quoted, "I curse my stars with bitter grief and woe, That made my love so high and me..." (Y/N) then glanced back at Vergil, "So low." Vergil was somewhat impressed at the fact that someone like (Y/N) would quote a line from one of his favorite poets, "William Blake..." Vergil muttered out loud, "I'd never thought you would you would recognize him" (Y/N) replied.

-Through out the entire evening, Vergil and (Y/N) were chatting and discussing about each other's daily lives and whatnot. And the more Vergil would talk with (Y/N) The more Vergil would get this strange feelings for this man. It was quite indescribable to say the least -

(Y/N) looked out the window and stared at the night sky and said, "It would seem that the night has fallen" Virgil looked out the window as well and replied, "It would seem so" Virgil then looked back at (Y/N) and stared at the moonlight that reflected off of (Y/N)'s face. Seeing the moonlight easily trace (Y/N)'s jawline and shimmered through his irises made Vergil stare in awe at the man's beauty under then moon light.

"Beautiful~" Vergil mumbled, "Excuse me?" (Y/N) asked, "T-The moon, it look's beautiful." (Y/N) smiled at Virgil and looked back at the moon once more,"Yes, it sure is." Virgil sighed out of relief, seeing as how he nearly embarrassed himself in front of (Y/N).

Vergil realized that he was staying out too long and needed to head back, he got up and said,"It's getting late, I think it would be best if I go, Is that alright with you?" Virgil asked, "By all means, please don't let me stop you." (Y/N) Chuckled.

As (Y/N) and Vergil made their way to the exit, (Y/N) opened the door for Vigil and asked, "Will I Be seeing you again sometime soon Mr. Sparda?" Vergil stopped at the entrance and looked over his shoulder as he said, "Yes, I'm sure you will, and please....

"Call me Vergil"

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