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I stare out the window, watching the trees go by. A green sign with white lettering passes, telling us that we're almost at our destination. I sigh. I wish we could've stayed at the house. I really want to meet this Jasmine girl. Tyler told me about her. "She has these big brown eyes and really long light brown hair. I won't say she's beautiful. I'll say she's attractive. She could catch an eye from a mile away. And she's strong. Stronger than any girl I've ever seen," he had said. I wish I could meet her. I don't know why but something about me changes when I hear or think her name. It's like something clicks. It's like the last piece of a puzzle is found. But I always thought my puzzle was finished.

The waves were awesome. The surprise competition was amazing. It ended up Corbin being the top of his heat, and a three way tie between me, Tyler, and another kid named Eric. In the car, we blasted the radio with alternative music. I turn my phone on and unlock it. One missed message from my sister. "Hey! I hope you're having fun. I know we are. We just went snorkeling and saw turtles! It was awesome. I miss you. I wish I was with you instead of mom and dad. They just ignore me. I love you. See you soon!" I clicked the home button. Sarah's thirteen whereas I'm twelve but that doesn't matter. We're each other's best friends. Once, we both made a plan about running away. It was a really good plan too, but our parents found our map and ripped it up. They locked the windows from the outside so we can't get out. I still wish we had left. But I can't change anything.

Honestly, it's weeks like these, where I'm away from my family, my sister excluded, that I feel safe. I feel like I could actually be a part of this family, with Corbin and Tyler. But I couldn't leave my sister. I wouldn't. My phone screen lights up with a new Facebook message. "Marissa Mellard has messaged you." I click on it and see that Marissa texted me saying, "Where were you!?" I shake my head and reply. "Last minute surf competition. Sorry. Maybe another time." I turn my phone off and fall asleep. My last vision is the sun setting in the west, the colors lighting up the reflection in the river, letting the dark enter the sky. And my last thoughts, like always, are what if...

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