"Maybe it was the intimate moment we shared before, I don't, I don't know" I said shaking my head, I looked at his face he turned away, I caught a glimpse of his veins before he turned away, "you hungry?" I asked I already knew the answer, he shook his head no

"I need to leave" his voice was croaky, he stood up, still not facing me but I didn't let his hand go, he didn't try to pry his hand away, although he was much stronger than I, instead, I stood up, and without thinking, or second guessing, I hugged his back, I wrapped my arms around his stomach, and lay my head on his back, he held my hands for a few seconds, then turned to face me, his eyes were back to normal, he rested his chin on my head and his arms wrapped around my back, I smiled at this "what do I call you?" He asked I raised my head to show him my confusion, "are you still Anastsia?, or are you Annabell?" He elaborated, I smiled and put my head on his chest.

"I'm Anastsia, with the memories of Annabell" I raised my head again, to look him in the eye "is that ok?" I was worried, how far could we go together?, did he want her?"

"That's absolutely fine" he touched my face with both his hands and bought his face down to kiss me, the electricity was electrifying, it was amazing, I never wanted it to end, my hands went to his hair as he snaked his hands around my back, I finally moved away as I needed air, he turned away again

"Please don't do that" I pleaded as I lay a hand on his shoulder, "let me see, please" I whispered, nearly in tears he slowly turned to face me, his eyes were closed, but the darkened veins were still there, I gasped, but touched his veins with my hand, he held the hand that touched his face, and he took a deep breath, "please look at me Damon" I cried, he slowly opened his eyes, they were the deepest red I'd ever seen, the eyes were red but the pupils were still black, I wasn't scared, far from it, I was, I felt amazed, both of my hands were now on his face, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again, he bowed down a little, for better access, he held my face in his hands too, I came up for air

"Are you not scared?" He asked, I shook my head smiling sheepishly, I held his hand in mine, I pulled him with me, we left the living room, and stepped into the hall way, I proceeded to pull him up the stairs, not that I was really pulling him, more like guiding him, we went into my bedroom, I shut the door behind us, we sat down at the foot of the bed I kissed him again, this time with more need, I guided us to lay down, Damon stopped kissing me, and held my face "I can't" he told me as he sat up, his eyes were still red, so I knew he wanted this as much as I did, "I need to feed" his voice was barely a whisper, like he was ashamed of what he was, I put my hand under his chin, and guided his face to face me

"Are you always like this?" I asked, he stared at me questioningly "you sounded ashamed, like you're going to do something wrong" I explained, he shook his head

"I have never felt ashamed before, but with you I ......." He didn't complete the sentence, I did wait for him to finish, but he didn't so I kissed him again, not as passionately as before but it was nice, I held his face in my hands, looked him in the eye

"Drink from me?" I asked, to which he shook his head no, "Why?" I felt a little sad that he turned me down

"Centuries ago, it was a witch that first created a vampire, witches are who we, as vampires, praise, we can't drink from them"

"Can't, or won't?" I asked a little angry now crossing my arms across my chest

"Can't, without permission, I won't, in fear of hurting you" I shook my head

"I grant you permission to drink my blood, whenever you like, and, I know you can't hurt me Damon, Annabell has shown me that much, please, please drink from me, please" I was crying now, tears fell from my eyes, Damon wiped them away and nodded an okay, I unfolded my arms and put my hands on his shoulders, his mouth opened and his fangs grew, he layed me down

"Please, tell me to stop" he pleaded, barely a whisper, I could tell he was holding himself, barely able to control himself, I shook my head no, he seemed disappointed but he smiled a sideways smile, I turned my face to the left, that is where my dressing table was, my dressing table had a mirror and I could see Damon still staring at me, he followed my line of vision and looked at me through the mirror, I nodded at him, he seemed scared, but he looked away and bought his face forward, he kissed my cheek, then kissed my neck, he sucked on my neck and I moaned I brushed my hand through his hair, pulling at it, but not enough to make him move, he held me down with one hand, probably to stop me from moving, his other hand held my right hand down on the bed our hands linked, the sucking on my neck became more intense and I wanted to move, but he held me down tighter, I felt a sharp pain on my neck, the hand that was in his hair pulled harder, again not to make him move, but out of love, the pain was intense now, I opened my mouth to scream but instead I moaned again, it felt like ecstasy, as the pain disappeared, replaced by desire, passion, a fire burned deep within my soul, it felt amazing he moaned, making me moan too. After a while I started to feel faint, I was falling,

"Damon" my voice was barely a whisper I unlinked our hands as he kept sucking, I pulled at his hair, this time to actually move him, but he did not move, I used my free hand to push at his chest, "please, stop Damon" I pleaded, he stopped straightaway I turned my head to face him, I caught his eyes changing colour, going back to there original blue, my hand was still on his chest he bit his wrist and offered it to me, I was confused,

"Drink" he commanded, I did, I sucked, his blood tasted sweet, I sucked about three times, Damon moved his wrist away he sat up, I followed suit, I touched my neck, there was no blood, I faced the mirror to see no scar, no bite marks, nothing "My blood healed the wound" he answered the unasked question, I nodded "I'm sorry, Anastasia, I drank too much, I don't usually, I don't know what happened" he looked away in shame and he went to stand up, so that he could leave, but I stopped him

"I'm fine, Damon, you stopped when I asked you to, I'm fine" he shook his head, "look at me, Damon I'm fine" he looked at me and I smiled, I kissed him, seemed all I wanted to do was kiss him, my hands moved to the bottom of his black t shirt and my hand skimmed his abs, and his chest, he held my hands in place stopping the kiss

"You need to rest" I was about to protest but he continued "I took too much blood, you need to rest" I pouted but listened, I lay down, I held his hand

"Lay with me?" I asked, he smiled, and with a nod he pulled us both under the covers, I faced him on my right I lay my head on my hand and Damon mimicked me, facing me, he touched my face, and I touched his

"You sure you're okay?" He asked, I nodded

After a while I fell asleep.

Wow, that was intense, it gets more exciting, do come back next week.

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