Chapter 2

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For a while I just stared at them.
How could I start a conversation without being totally awkward and what should I say to them? I have no idea.
I would either say nothing or way to much.
I'm to shy and I'm scared that they think I'm weird.
Then they saw me.
,, I know we are pretty and all, but why are you starring at us?", Lorelai said.
Oh my god! She talked --- to me! What should I do?
,,Sorry", I said ,, I-- I--- I'm ... sorry ". I couldn't talk and now I am certain that, they will think of me, that I'm weird.
" It's ok. Are you new in stars hollow?", Lorelai said friendly.
But what should I answer. I don't know how I got here, where I'd stay or how long I'm staying.
,,Yeah, you could say that."
,, Cool, have you any family or something here?"
,, No, I'm alone.. "
,,Oh... and where will you stay?", Lorelai said and I know she had pity for me.
,, I have no idea. I kinda came in a rush." I said. I tried to sound convincing... but it's kinda true, right ?
,,You could stay with us if you want." Rory said and tried to persuade Lorelai.
I smiled at her and tried to look as sympathetic as I can.
,,Well... Yeah, why not?", Lorelai said and I smiled. I couldn't believe my luck. I'm going to live with Lorelai and Rory Gilmore! I can't believe it. They are way to nice to me than I expected.
,,Thank you! You can't believe how happy I am." I said.
,,No problem. By the way, I'm Lorelai and this is my daughter. She has the same name like me, but we call her Rory. "
,,I'm Tessa "
,,Nice to meet you, Tessa .", Rory said ,, Come, sit with us."

They told me some some stories I already knew, but now its not weird, when I know some things.
After we talked for a while, Lorelai had to get to work and Rory had to leave to see her boyfriend, Dean. That means, it has to be between the first and the third season and there is a possibility, that I can meet Jess.
They gave me their address and told me they would be there around 7 p.m. and they can give me the key and a room then.
They also said I should explore the town until they are back.
So that's what I am doing.
First I had to go to the book store. When I finally found it I realised that I haven't got any money with me, so I just looked through the shelves and then I went to the library. There I did the same and then found a book I really want to read and sat there for a while and just started reading.
After i read some chapters, I looked around and that's when I saw him.
He sat in the corner with some classic I don't know and is reading. He looked as beautiful in real as on TV, maybe even more. If you couldn't tell who I am talking about--- I mean, the one who is the most beautiful, book-loving bad boy on gilmore girls, you're right... it's Jess.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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