Akira's Awakening

Start from the beginning

No injures good....

I walk over to the boy that seems to smell like coffee......wait did he carry me?....why?

H-hey wake up. I shake him his glasses give off a glint as his head turns showing his face more clearly

Mmmm i have a bad feeling about this....I say out loud

I turn around and look in the cell we are in...Stange the last thing i remember is a castle and them calling my name as i fell....I grab their arms and dragged them twords the back of the cell there arms side by side.

Oh! You hurt your hand...Here. I dig in my pocket for some spare bandages just in case for a emergency like this, i wrap the bandages around the big gash on his hand.

Did he protect me? What the- who the hell is this kid? Why?...Why? What the fuck is wrong with him?

Hey guys wake up! I said louder 

H-HUH!? HEY GET OFF ME Ryuji says loudly

SHH RYUJI ITS ME! Y/N! I whisper yell

Huh? Oh it's you you're awake finally Y/n.... He said

Are you okay? What happened?

We got ambushed by these things that looked like heavy guards they even wore armor,had swords and shields too. Ryuji said standing up

Well what happened to you? Ryuji said

Huh? I said

You just suddenly collapsed to the ground....

Purple and red started to take over my vision, i dont really know what happened. It was like a massive headache. Like when you get up to fast and blood rushes to your brain and body from staying in one place for to long. I say explaining to him

Well what now then? He said roaming around the cell

I kneel down and put my hand on the other boys neck.

Okay hes not dead...i still feel a pulse. I say

Hey wake up! I say to the boy. Hmm....I take his other hand and start rubbing the back of it between my thumb and index finger 

He suddenly jolts awake

And pulls his hand away 

W-What was that?! He said feeling it

Its a pressure point i learned, rubbing the back of your hand between your thumb and index finger will give you a wakeful boost. Its not so hard to do once you practice, I do it to myself during tests when i'm falling asleep. Or just when i dont wanna hassle making coffee. I say demonstrating 

T-Thanks but it kinda hurt. He says 

Oh sorry I've never really tried it on someone just myself cause i know what to feel for when doing it. I just gambled doing it to you so sorry if i hurt you.

Its fine, huh-? whats this? He says looking at his right hand 

Oh you had a big gash on your hand so i took it upon myself to fix it for you, dont worry their clean bandages I keep extras on me for emergencies....

Thats a lie i keep them on me for when i get angry at myself and just start punching the wall until my knuckles bleed . I  thought in my mind 

Oh i see....

Suddenly guards come too our cell...but this time they were with someone

KAMOSHIDA!? i yell looking at him

W-What are those clothes?! Ryuji yells at him holding the bars of the cell

To think it would just be some petty thief...but its just you Sakamoto...

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