Whos The New Boy?

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Y/n's Pov

As i make my way out my home i notice that its cloudy outside "I should bring my umbrella" i say out loud i look down at my clock and notice that i'm gonna be late to school if i even search for it. Dammit! I rush out the door and grab my bag i close and lock my home and start sprinting down the street towards the train station.

I put my train acress card into the machine to let me threw but it wont work i try many more times but i decide to just hop over it causing security to notice, before they could catch me i dip into the train just as the doors close. I flip them off and stick my tounge out at them as i go to sit down i notice the a few people talking about "train crashes" and "mental breakdowns"

I ignore them and get off my train as it arrives to my school stop. As i exit the tunnel i notice it starts to rain, i dash to the nearest store entrance as i stop there i look to my left and see Ann pretty popular at our school.

I look to my right and see this very tall and attractive boy that i had never seen before staring at me. I blink a couple times and give him a unhappy glare,but he smiles at me

!?!?-Why in the world would he smile at me?! Hes from Shujin Right?! Doesn't he know the rumors about me?! What in the-my thoughts where interrupted by a car and a voice say hey do you need at lift? to Ann

Uh sure she says as she gets in the car he asks me too

Do You need a lift L/n?

I Shoot him a death glare, No, I dont need a ride

Ann roles up her window unhappy like

I Growl at the car as it drives away,suddenly i hear running steps coming toward me and this Boy

Dammit screw that pervy teacher! Ryuji Says looking at the car as it gets further from us

Pervy? Teacher? The boy says holding his phone out

Ryuji looks at us and comes up to the boy 

What do you want huh?, You plan on ratting me out to kamoshida? He asks

Ryuji Calm down this boy is im sure is 80% new, He probably doesn't know who that fucker is I say as i walk around them looking at the sky waiting for it to let up

Really? L/n? are you sure? Ryuji says at me 

Look at him, have you seen a boy with that big of glasses at our school plus he smiled at me, he obviously dont know the rumors about me otherwise he probably been gone by know i say seeing the rain let up

Sigh well the rain seems to be letting up i say grabbing their attention 

Come on let's go to hell i know a shortcut Ryuji says as he walks down a alleyway

As we walk down the alleyway my head starts spinning and everything seems to become Purplish Red. As the farther down we go the alleyway the more and more i become nauseous and my breathing picks up becoming faster and faster.

Until finally we make it to this HUUUUGE Castle 

Umm The Boy says, Whoa Ryuji says , Ugh I say as my knees buckle and i collapse to the floor haze over taking my vision as i see Purple and red with hints of yellow taking over my vision as well i close my eyes and warmth consumes my body as if it's choking me 

Both the boys yell my last name and i feel myself get picked up and feel the wind blowing on my body as i feel like i'm running.

To Be Continued............

Preview Of Chapter 2 

Dude! L/N?! SAY SOMETHING! Wake Up!

I am Thou.....Thou Art I......

Blonde,Frizzy hair,Highlights! Over Here!

My Name Is Akira Kurusu Pleasure To Meet You

My Name Is Y/n L/n Pleasures All Mine

You Know Your Not Half Bad Akira, I think We'll Be Good Friends

......I'd Like That.......

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