This is my story saved by ONE DIRECTION❤️

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This is my story

This is how I am always feeling and never express it or tell anyone

No doors are open

No scars are healing

But when they eventually do I write Harry,Niall,Liam,Zayn and Louis over my scars to stop me from self harming also I write on my legs to stop me because I've promised them I wouldn't do it again

I'm tired of being depressed all the time

Months are passing by and nothing changes in my mind

My dream is to be famous,but yet nobody knows my name

Those sharp scissors and blades always takes my pain away

I'm a mess and alone I never know what to feel

But the fear would always stay

Crying in front of the mirror,swallowing the pills

The fighters that stand against the pain inside that kills

"You're fat" "you're ugly" "you're worthless and you don't deserve to be here" they had won they had gotten to me so much I didn't want to be Alive

But no one knows what I do at night

Out of sight

Every word kills me

And people say "everything will be ok your a strong girl" but they only say that because they know my name, not my story

I was in a world of darkness, I hide away In my bedroom ,starving myself to death and I said to myself

This is it

It's time to go

It's the end

How am I going to say goodbye to my whole family and friends I wanted I write a letter or video myself

I couldn't deal with it any longer

I don't want to lock myself away and cry

I wanted to not be alive anymore I wanted to commit sucide i wanted to end my own life ,I hated who I was and what I looked like I just wanted to be perfect

I wanted to stand at the edge of a cliff

And just fall and I would be gone forever I would of been known as a mistake

But then I sat and looked at my wall full of their posters and pictures

And then I remembered their words about sucide

I remembered listening to their songs late at night

I threw away the blades and didn't harm myself again

Starting a new beginning recovering from an eating disorder and not let it beat me , thinking about the happiness that days may fill

Think about how my boys would be so proud of me for not giving up and fight my battle

It's funny how people think it's a phase and they are just a silly young boyband

Think again because these five lads arnt just called one direction they are also my LIFESAVERS because nobody else could of stopped me self harming and kill myself


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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