Chapter 2

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     Letting out a squeak, I quietly scampered into my room. 'There was no way he was really beating his meat to me... I mean, how would I know those feet were actually mine..?' Sighing in exhaustion, I flopped onto my bed. I feel like screaming, but I know that would turn Larry on more than he was already. At least I'm in my room, so I can enjoy my food in peace. Opening up a bag, I grab a Thicc Daddy Taco™. As I brought the taco to my mouth, I realized I forgot the whole reason why I bought these!

     Hurriedly putting the taco down, I grabbed my phone and stalked towards my door. I could still hear Larry's slaps from here, so I just had to wait. After a few minutes, a eardeafening S P L U R T could be heard from the living room. I could also hear Larry the Cucumber get up and clean up his pickle juice. Once I heard him slam his bedroom door, I called my bitch.

     After the phone rang for a bit, it was finally answered. "Heeey asshole.... I know you're slow as fuck and probably won't make it here in time, but come to my place, I got tacos." 

     Once I said the word tacos, I heard footsteps on the other end. In about 2 seconds, my best friend, Barney, was at my front door. I could hear that he was getting impatient, for he started to bang on the door. Agitated, I had to yell at him. "HOLD ON, I'M COMING. Little bitch can't let me take my fucking ti-" I couldn't stop myself in time, because I could hear Larry going for round 2 in his room. "Oh for fucks sake..." I mumbled. Opening the door, I could see Barney's sweat covered abs. "Oh, (Y/N)... I can smell your toes from here..."

"Can everyone just shut the FUCK up about my FUCKING toes?!"

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