Nightmares and Rainbows pt. 1

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Mentor Ji: team, I would like you to meet someone. (steps aside and shows the team a fourteen year old girl with very Blonde, all most white, hair) this is Victoria. She is the daughter of a close friend of mine and she's going to be staying with us for awhile.

Victoria: (waves) hi.

Jayden: nice To meet you Victoria. I'm Jayden and this is-

Kevin: (stands up from his chair) Kevin. (gives Victoria a hand shake) glad you will be staying with us.

Emily: hi! I'm Emily! Glad to see a new face around here! Where are you from?

Victoria: Boston. Boston Massachusetts.

Emily: oh cool!

Mia: hi. I'm Mia. (sees Victoria's bag on her shoulder) can I take your bag for you?

Victoria: oh! Sure. (gives Mia her bag) thanks!

Mia: your welcome. We can keep it in here for now until we get you a room.

Mentor Ji: and that leaves- wait, where's Mike?

Jayden: I don't know, mentor. I haven't seen him or Antonio in a while.

Mia: didn't Antonio say he was going to show Mike a few fishing tricks?

Kevin: like Mike would like fishing... (laughs)

Emily: well how about we show Victoria around while we wait for Mike and Antonio.

Mentor Ji: Is that okay with you Victoria?

Victoria: sure! But I'm kinda hungry after my trip.

Mia: oh! I can make you some food! What would you like?

(Kevin, behind Mia, makes a 'no don't!' sign in the air and Emily mouths, 'no! Say no!')

Victoria: Umm... I'm not hungry any more. Maybe later?

Mia: oh. Okay. I'll make dinner then!

Mentor Ji: ah, I asked Antonio to make dinner tonight.

Mia: oh well...

Victoria: so... Can i have a tour now?

Emily: oh! Right! Here, follow me! I'll show you around!

On the Sanzu river...

Octoroo: oo, ah, oo! Master Xandred, you need to drink your medicine.

Xandred: I know you squid face! Dayu, can you play your harmonium for me, to ease my headache?

Dayu: yes, Master Xandred. I will play it for you. (starts strumming her harmonium)

Master Xandred: ah! That helps a lot. I would feel even better if those Power Rangers were taken out!

Furry warts: Power Rangers Taken out, Power Rangers taken out! (all of them giggle)

Master Xandred: Argh!! (hits on of the furry warts) stop that you little dust balls!

Furry warts: stop it, Stop it, Stop it! (they all laugh)

Master Xandred: Grr...

Octoroo: Master Xandred! I would like you to meet one of my very scary friends, nightmare.

(nightmare comes out of the Sanzu river and comes into master Zandred's boat and growls)

Nightmare: where are those pesky Rangers?! I want to see what their worst nightmares are...!

Octoroo: nightmare lives up to his name. He causes everyone's worst nightmares come true by hitting them with his energy blasts. He'll sure raise the river for you master.

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