The Wolf Zord

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Emily: (emily yawns as she walks in the kitchen at the Sheba house) good morning mentor.
Mentor Ji: good morning emily. How did you sleep?
Emily: (Emily sits down at the counter) like a baby. That battle with Nightmare a few days ago really tired us all out.
Mentor: yes. Now that you have had some rest we need to train Victoria.
Emily: yea. Where is everybody?

In the great room in the Sheba house...
(Antonio is snoring with his face on the coffee table and with his hand still holding a screwdriver. Then Kevin runs in, in his jogging gear)
Kevin: (sees Antonio) awe. Antonio. You never made it to bed before you fell asleep. (Kevin walks to Antonio and shakes him)
Antonio: (wakes up) I didn't do it!!
Kevin: whoa! Easy Antonio!
Antonio: (shakes his head trying to get the sleep out of it) oh, so I'm not dreaming... Good... (Runs his neck)
Kevin: you were working hard on Victoria's samuraiser. You crashed right on the coffee table.
Antonio: that's why my neck hurts. (Antonio looks down at the coffee table) Victoria will be glad to know that her samuraiser is very close to being done. I just have to work out a few kinks then it should be done. She'll be a samurai ranger in no time!
Kevin: yeah. But she doesn't have a Zord. Even you had a Zord when you became a samurai ranger. She doesn't.
Antonio: yeah. I know. I wonder what Zord her father was the Guardian for. I hope it's cool!
(Jayden walks into the great room with Mia)
Jayden: there is only one other Zord that we haven't mastered yet. The Wolf Zord. It is as wild like a wolf and you don't know what it would do next. No samurai ranger has mastered it except the first Samurai ranger, but I doubt Victoria will be able Master the wolf Zord.
Mia: I believe she will.
Kevin: I want to do some research about this Wolf Zord so we can know a little more about it.
Jayden: that's a good idea Kevin. (Mike and Victoria walks in and Victoria is wearing green)
Mike: good morning guys!
Victoria: yo, dudes!
Mia: (whisper to Kevin) uh-oh. Kevin, don't look now but I think Victoria has the personality of Mike. Your going to have to deal with two Mikes today.
Kevin: oh great...
Victoria: was I hearing something about a new Zord when we came in?
Antonio: yeah. The wolf Zord. Have you heard about it?
Victoria: well duh! My dad was the guardian of it... Until he... He... (Victoria covers her face with one hand) was killed...
Antonio: he was killed?
Victoria: yeah... (Victoria removes her hand from her face) By a Nighlok...
Mike: by a Nighlok?
(Victoria shakes her head up and down)

On the Sanzu river...
Octoroo: (looks up from his looking glass after spying on the rangers) oo, ah, oo! The rainbow ranger's father was killed by one of us. And there is another Zord that they haven't mastered yet. We need to find it and make it ours!
Master Xandred: I'll send one of the baddest guys I know of! Send Grim-reaper! He's one of the greatest tracker and tamer in the whole Sanzu River!
Octoroo: yes, master Xandred!

At the Sheba house...
(Mentor Ji runs into the great room with Emily, Antonio is working on Victoria's samuraiser, Mike, Jayden and Mia are playing a board game with there folding zords, Kevin is researching the wolf zord, and Victoria is sitting on one of the chairs watching everybody do their thing)
Mentor Ji: Rangers! The wolf Zord has been spotted! (The rangers stop what they were doing)
Jayden: (stands up) where?
Emily: Elk town, Maine.
Victoria: (stands up) that's where my old house is!
Mia: I thought you lived in Boston.
Victoria: I do, But before dad died we lived in Elk Town!
Kevin: that must be where he hid the Wolf Zord!
Mike: so we're going to Maine?
Mentor Ji: Yes. Go in the Samurai Megazord.
Victoria: can I go?
Antonio: yes! (Antonio holds up Victoria's samuraiser) I finished your samuraiser! (Hands it to mentor Ji)
Mentor Ji: oh, good. If Antonio hadn't finish your samuraiser I would have said,'no'. You may go, Victoria. (Mentor hands Victoria her samuraiser)
Victoria: oh yeah!! Woo-hoo! I'm going with you guys!
Mike: yeah! (Gives Victoria a high-five)
Mentor Ji: Victoria. I know today you have the personality of Mike, so please don't do anything... Well... Like Mike...
Mike: what's wrong with my personality?
Mentor Ji: ah, nothing. Nothing at all.
Jayden: let's go guys.
All the rangers: yeah!

Some where in Maine, an hour later...
(Victoria is siting on the hand of the samurai megazord)
Victoria: okay guys, this is very embarrassing.. How come I can't be in the megazord like you guys?
Mike: because there isn't any room in here for you.
Victoria: awe! Come on! Antonio is in there!
Antonio: (over the radio) ah, l'm really in the Clawzord behind you. (Victoria turns around) see?
Victoria: yeah... (Victoria takes her samuraiser out of her phone pouch on her belt) I can't wait till I get to really use my samuraiser. It's going up be awesome!
Mike: yeah! Even better because you don't have to use my samuraiser like you did before. And I get to see you in action! Everyone said you were amazing!
Victoria: thanks Mike.
Jayden: oh, hey guys! We're here! Victoria, do you know where your dad hid the wolf Zord?
Victoria: of corse not! I was six when he hid it I think. And if he did show me him. I don't remember where.
Mia: is that it!? I see a big purple and black robot! (Mia makes the samurai megazord move its hand toward what Mia thought was the wolf Zord)
Victoria: I think that's it!
Kevin: one second. (Kevin opens up the book he was using to researching the Wolf Zord) Let me see... I think that might be it! It looks just like the drawing.
Jayden: Kevin, does your book say how to tame it?
Kevin: let me see... (Kevin flips through pages) uh... I don't see anything about how to tame it, but there is a legend writen in here that when a worthy samurai touches the wolf Zord that it will mentally bond with he or she and become their personal Zord. That's all I know right now.
Mike: so all we have to do is each of us touch it and if it excepts us we won it!
Kevin: well the book also said that if the wrong samurai touches it they would be destroyed by the power of the Wolf Zord. Only the chosen one can control the power of wolf Zord.
Mike: oh-Kay.. So That's a no no...
Emily: how so you we know who is chosen? We can't go up to it and touch it. We'd get destroyed.
Victoria: Uh, Guys? I think we have a bigger problem right now! (The wolf Zord shoots purple energy from its mouth and it hits the megazord) AHH!! (Victoria falls off the megazord's hand)
Antonio: VICTORIA!! (Jumps out of the Clawzord and Catches Victoria before she hits the ground) you all right, Victoria?
Victoria: yeah... (Realizes Antonio is holding her) uh... You can put me down now. (Antonio realizes he's still holding her and drops her) ouch!! Hey! (Stands up)
Antonio: ie-yi-yi! I am so sorry Victoria!
Victoria: hey it's no problem Antonio. Just don't drop me on the ground without warning next time.
Anotnio: Si Amiga, now I have to go help our friends.
Victoria: (sighs) I'll be down here watching... Like always...
Anotnio: (puts a hand on her shoulder) don't worry, you'll be able to help soon enough.
Victoria: (smirks) gracias, Anotnio. Now go help them! (Gives him a friendly punch in the shoulder) They're getting their butts whooped up there.
(Wolf Zord jumps up and claws at the megazord. It roars loudly.)
Anotnio: right! (Jumps up into the claw Zord to help he rangers)
Victoria: (sighs and watches them) man I wish I could help...
(The wolf Zord was strong and wild as it attacked the rangers, purple blasts came from its mouth and knocked the megazord down)
Rangers: AHHH!!!
Mike: wow this thing is tough!
Jayden: we can't give up, we need this new Zoe's to defeat the Nighlock!
Kevin: Jayden, the megazoed cant take much more of this, we need to retreat!
Mia: yeah! My levels are really low and Emily is near failure.
Jayden: ugh, you're right. Everyone, tactical retreat now! Antonio, pick up Victoria.
Antonio: aye captain! (Grabs Victoria and leaves with her as the rest of the rangers leave as well)

Back at the Shiba house...

Victoria: if you just let me help, we might've been able to-
Jayden: no, there was nothing you could do Victoria.
Victoria: but-!
Mentor Ji: no, Victoria, he's right. You're only a new ranger and there was no possible way for you to assist them. (Victoria groaned and turned away, the green streak prominent in her hair)
Kevin: (looked at Victoria as she walked away) she's hard to read sometimes...
Mia: (nodded) yeah, especially since she changes personalities so quickly.
Emily: I do wish she could help more, she's so strong, but even a ranger at her level can't face a Zord head to head.
Mike: so what do we do now?
Kevin: we need to be strategic about this and make a plan.
Jayden: agreed.
Mentor Ji: yes, I scanned the Zord in search for weak spots, I think I might've found some. (He holds up a holo disk and places it on the table as the rangers gather around to observe and make plans)

Some time later in the dorms...

Victoria: (walked around the room trying to calm herself down) I should be able to help! It's gotta be my Zord! Why can't I help? Heh, because I'm too young probably... have I not proven myself already? I defeated nightmare singlehandedly. (She sighed and glanced down at antonio's morpher and smirked, having an idea)

To be continued...

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