Glittering Wings

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Callie and Marlee chat for a while. Apparently Marlee was actually looking for someone. "His name is Marcus, and he's a Marionette doll! I also need to find who took his Possession Belt cause that brings him to life." Marlee explained. Callie gasped. "I've never seen a Marionette before!" Callie exclaimed. "Yes, I know, they're really cool, but shouldn't we be going to the Fairy Kingdom?" Marlee asked, yawning. "Yeah! Of course!" Callie pulled Marlee, even though she didn't know where to go. 

"So it's right about here." Marlee said while glaring at the glitters of the fairies' wings. "You don't look too happy." Callie said. "That's because the fairies are the ones that stole the Possession Belt!" Marlee growled. "Oh, they did?" Callie blinked twice. "AAACK!" Something made a noise. "What." Callie looked down. A small fairy was at her feet. "Oh my cod, I'm so sorry for almost stepping of you!" Callie gasped as she picked the fairy up. The fairy had multi-colored eyes; one pink, one cyan. Her tentacles were similar in a way, it starting cyan then slowly becoming pink. The little petals around her neck were a hot pink color, and her dress sea green. Her wings were sky blue with small pink and cyan scales. "Are you here to attack us too?" The fairy shivered. "What? Attack? Oh nonono! We're here to prevent someone from attacking here! Have you seen a mysterious figure that's wearing mostly navy blue and red tentacles?" Callie asked. "Y-Yes, she attacked us, and kidnapped my mother cause she's the strongest fairy..." Jewel explained while tears leaked out of her eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.." Callie looked at Marlee. Marlee blinked twice. "I could show you what she did, but I don't know what that gonna do for you." The small floof of a fairy climbed onto Callie's shoulder. "I'm Radiant Rosse, but please just call me Jewel." She said. "Nice to meet you, Jewel!" Callie smiled. 

"Oh my... she really messed this place up!" Callie gasped, looking at what used to be the Fairy Kingdom. The castle was destroyed, and all the fairies were in their dormant state, which is a flower that appears that it's trying to bloom. "They're trying to regain energy, but since that evil lady also took the special blossom that grows on Sui, our Energy Tree, Sui is slowly dying, and that means we're losing power and will cease to exist." Jewel explained. "Is that why your colors are going pale?" Marlee asked, slowly feeling sorrow for the poor creature. "Yes." Jewel sighed, but then her head shot up in surprise. "What's that?" She pointed to something glittering on the ground. Callie picked whatever it was up. "It's a tiny bottle with a tiny scroll on the inside!" Callie exclaimed. "Oh! I know how to make it bigger so you can actually do something with it." Jewel pointed at the bottle, ready to cast a spell. "What about your energy?" Callie asked. "I'll be fine!" Jewel smiled as she blasted the bottle with a ray of magic, it slowly enlarging to a normal sized bottle. Callie used her super strength to pull the cork out of the bottle and get the scroll. "What does it say?" Marlee asked.

"I'm really scared. He almost wiped out the whole world and tried to take over for his own selfish desires. Why did that guy do this?"

"What?" Marlee tilted her head confused. "Who is He?" Callie shrugged. "I don't know, but we need to find that girl." Marlee looked at Jewel. "Soooooo... ever heard of a Possession Belt?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. "Ah! Yes! My mom once returned back to the kingdom with that belt thing, saying she's gonna keep it in her prized possessions." Jewel said. Marlee gasped. "MY POSSESSION BELT!" She screamed, trying to run around and look for it, but Callie held her back. "I can go get it for you!" Jewel gave Marlee a thumbs-up before flying away. "Thank you Jewel!" Marlee yelled after her.

Jewel came back struggling to hold a golden belt with small sapphires frills. "OH MY SWEET BABY!" Marlee took the belt from Jewel, leaving Jewel able to breathe. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!" Marlee giggled, tears streaming down her face while she twirled. "Can you get your friend back that I forgot the name of?" Callie asked. "Yup, and his name's Marcus." Marlee said, still twirling. "Alright! We should go find Marcus or Marlee is gonna kill me for leaving her friend behind, and stop that girl from hurting anyone!" Callie fist-bumped the air. Jewel's stance suddenly changed on Callie's shoulder. "What's wrong, Jewel?" She asked. "I feel like something bad's gonna happen in the next minute..." Jewel told her. "The next minute, you say? Well, I've seen Marlee decapitate herself, so it seems believable." Callie said. "Is it that thing up there?" Marlee asked as she pointed to something sliver in the sky. "That's a UFO! Wait, what's it doing so low in the sky-" Jewel immediately stopped talking as she saw smoke rising from it, slowly falling to the ground somewhere in the distance. "Oh-" Jewel started. "-My-" Marlee continued. "-COD!" Callie finished, gasping at what they just saw. A UFO just fell, and some alien or aliens are in trouble.

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