Chapter 4

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"'re a what?" Cameron stammers.

"Companion," The boy repeats, "I'm...the one before you, I think."

Blood pumps through the American's head as she tries to comprehend this. This means...she can't be... "What are you talking about?"

A look of confusion spreads across the stranger's face. "You know...the companions. The Doctor's companions. Don't tell me you don't know..."

"Oh, no, I DO know. Doctor Who, and stuff, TV show-"

"Good. Then we're from the same dimension."

"Same-...what?" She shakes her head. "Listen, all I'm confused about is why you said "too"."I'm a companion TOO.""

Silence fills the air for a moment. The boy's green eyes bore into hers.

"So you don't know yet..." He mutters to himself.

"Know what?" Cameron asks warily, taking a few steps away from him.

The Scott shifts and adjusts his red hoodie. "Nothing." His sneakers squeak a bit as he turns on his heels.

This makes the teen suspicious. "What? What is it? What's going on? Who are you?"

"I'm Nate. Seventeen years old; Contin, Scotland. I get picked up by the Doctor at 22 years." Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he turns his head to glance at her. "That last part was just added to my profile." A small smile tugs at his lips.

What he says makes no sense to her. She just stares in response.

This doesn't seem to faze the teen, and he shrugs, turning his attention back towards the hallway. "Listen, the others and I'll explain when we get to the meeting point. Right now we just need to get out of here. I dunno how long we have before one of those Cybermites comes round' on patrol."

Before she can respond, Nate runs down the left corridor, his footsteps echoing among the now audible hum of the TARDIS. "Guess I have no choice but to follow him," she thinks, and sprints after her rescuer.

The kid is fast. She can barely keep up with his pace, and it's a challenge to remember which path he takes when there's a fork at every corner.

"Could you...slow down?" Cameron breathes quietly as Nate gets ready to turn another way.

Nate opens his mouth to answer, but all of a sudden stops in his tracks, staring at the hallway in front of him.

The girl slows down at this. What? What's wrong? Does he see something? Is someone there? Cautiously, she approaches the companion, eyeing his facial expression and body language. It doesn't tell her much. His emotion doesn't show through.

"Nate?" She whispers, "What's wrong?"


Nothing else. His face gets serious, and he shushes her. Nothing else to tell her the situation. Great.

The area is silent as she tiptoes to stand beside him. Quickly, she glances in the direction of his glance. And loosens up. It's empty. Just an endless amount of doors in an endless hallway. What is he so tense about?

"I don't understand. What-"


A scowl forms on the teenager's face as he turns to hiss through his teeth.

Cameron back at him in shock.

It takes a second before Nate can control his frustration enough to explain. "THEY'RE HERE."

"They're"? What does he mean by-...She then remembers all the Doctor Who episodes. The person who notices the monster down the hall. The partner who doesn't believe them. What happens almost every time.

That means there are aliens here. The only thing she doesn't understand is, what kind? Cybermites?

Down the hall, one of the doors opens. Both of the teenagers freeze.

Footsteps echo in the empty space, seeming to come closer to the door. They don't sound like regular shoes though. It's a more of a *click click* rather then a *pat*. Heart beating fast, Cameron waits with wide eyes as the sound gets closer and closer. Closer and closer to the door.

Why aren't they moving?!

The pointed tip of a teal high-heel pokes across the doorway. Then its owner steps through.

Slowly, the American works her way up the figure. A short black skirt. A white blouse. Painted nails. Dangling teal earrings. Short brown hair. A silver device like Clever.

Her heart stops.

It's Clara. She's been taken over by a Cybermite.

Soon another door opens. Only for a Cyber River Song to join the group.

Before they know it, all of the doors are being unlocked.

A scream makes its way up Cameron's throat.

Luckily, Nate stops her and pulls her into a run before the monsters can find the source of the sound.

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