Chapter 1

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The window clouded as the sights and sounds coming through the glass grew more intense. Cameron hesitates, then wipes away the condensation, peering out into the darkness. She cant see anything, but she can hear things. Crunching snow under heavy boots, rocks hitting the plastic siding, tapping from a stranger waiting to be let in, wind rushing by as it roared in the background. She'd wait patiently on her bed, staring at her blind-covered window until the sounds would resume, then rush to it and pull down one of the bars to catch whoever was trying to scare her. But, like always, she'd only found it to be the swag hanging on the sill. The wind was fierce tonight.

Wary and a little unerved, she plops down on her bed. It was the wind. It was just the wind. Another crunch. She tenses. Yet, there it was again. The sound of footsteps. As if they were right outside her bedroom. Cameron quickly jumps up, but then stops herself, brushing away her long brown hair as her momentum had caused it to fall in front of her eyes. No. She won't let her imagination get her worked up. She'd already "sensed" someone watching her at school, and that had creeped her out enough. She shakes her head. No more thinking about "The Story" when she was alone. No more "DW thing," either. That villian had sneaked his way into her thoughts, dreams, and daily life. He'd caused her to be on the lookout for danger 24/7. And he wasn't even real.

She frowns and sighs, then glances at the clock. 11:30. Yeah. It's time to get to bed. Forcing all stories and fanfictions out of her mind, she turns off the light and curls up under the covers, letting the desperately needed sleep wash over her in less than a minute.


Silence. Absolute silence. She's having a dream, she knows it, but it's almost like dreaming of being asleep. Everything's black. Everything's quiet. NOTHING'S HAPPENING. Absolutely nothing. Her thoughts aren't as well organized as they are when she's awake, but she has enough power to know that something's wrong. None of her dreams are ever like this. They're weird and wacky, and make no sense at all. This...this is different. Fear starting to sink in, she wills herself to wake up. Her eyes snap open.

And everything's black. The blue light that should fill the room is gone, same as the glow from the crack in the door. And it's worse outside. The only light comes from the blue, blinking, digital numbers on her radio. 12:00. Midnight. Wrinkling her nose, she pinches herself, ready to label it as another nightmare when the reaction doesn't come. But she feels the pain.

"Huh," she whispers, but no sound comes out, just a tightened feeling in her throat. A heavy force seems to fill the room. Something. Is. Wrong. She wills herself to move. But she can't.

"Get up," she thinks to herself, "just get up and turn the light back on."

But it seems impossible. The duvet cover that had once been cozy and fairly easy to move, feels a few tons heavier and restricts her from even shifting. She struggles, but it just seems to entrap her even more.

"That's not going to get you anywhere," a voice sounded.

She freezes. Its not her dad. Its not her mom. A stranger's in the room with her. And his response to her actions don't seem to show the best intentions.

"Who are you?" She tries to ask sternly, but all that comes out is a squeak. Chuckling.

"You act so brave and defiant in your stories, Cameron. Really. I was expecting a better comeback."

He's familiar. She knows that voice. Man, she knows she knows that voice. After a few seconds, however, she gives up on figuring his identity, and focuses on knowing how he knew what he did. Him knowing her name is a bit unerving, but after all, it is listed all over her room. Now, the Doctor Who fanfictions? There's no way for him to know that. Swallowing, she forces herself to take a deep breath and say something back. Something to intimidate him.

"Get the h** out of my house now, or I'm calling the police."

Again, chuckling. A flash of light as something's taken off the top of her radio.

"You mean with this silly thing?" Her phone comes into view, a small glowing rectangle in the darkness.

"I don't believe the police will even be able to help in this situation."

The device drops, and a foot comes down on-top of it. It flickers once, then dies. The teen forces herself to calm down. No phone. Very little light. And the fact that she's trapped underneath her own covers. Not a good combination right now. She shifts her focus to who the intruder is. British, she knows that. But she doesn't know anyone from Britian. And she's pretty sure her parents don't either. That means he has to know her. After all, there has to be some reason behind all of this. But who the heck is he?

"What do you want?" Cameron asks.

"I'm postive you'll know when you see who I am. I'm actually quite surprised you haven't figured it out already."

Her eyes widen. She knows why she knows that voice. Why he seems familiar. It all makes sense. The covers suddenly seem to weigh down even more, and a chill runs throughout her whole body. But it can't be him. He's fake, a fictional character, a villian from a TV show. The numbers on her clock glow brighter and a face comes into view less than a foot away. Her heart stops.

"Surprised?" Mr. Clever asks with a smile.


(Ok, so this is my very first fan fiction, and I'm still kinda new to how the whole thing works. I love DW, and this idea came to me one night- decided to write it down, see what happens. So, I just thought that maybe you guys could post some comments or stuff; tell me how I'm doing so far and if I should continue. If you can, great, and I really appreciate it! If you can't, thanks for reading anyway! Geronimo! :) )

Control (Doctor Who Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें