Chapter 11 - O'Shayada

Start from the beginning

‘No, and I don't think I want to.’ said Karma.

They passed quickly through the train station. It was deserted but covered in cobwebs that covered it in a kind of heavy, damp fog. A second later, they passed on. 

‘What, did spiders take it over or something?’ said Karma.

‘Yes, actually. Spiders spin a kind of thin silk called gossamer that allows them to do what's called dynamic kiting. There was major flooding in this area about thirty years ago. The spider factory flooded so millions of wolf spiders made silk parachutes for themselves to escape the flood. It was thought they were too big to do that. They are the size of rats you know. But unusually strong storm winds blew them all into Waterford one night. They are instinctual hunters and they hunt in packs  like wolves. Hence the name. Anyway, when they arrived in Waterford the whole town was evacuated. The Ariadne Corporation say no-one was harmed. But local people tell other stories of that night.’ Dex's voice trailed off. The clack of the train on the track sounded loud in the silence. Karma shivered and lifted her feet off the ground and looked up to ensure the windows were closed. 

‘We should be fine. Most of them are dead. They were gassed or something. After the people had safely escaped of course. Or so we're told.’ said Dex.

‘So, where did they all go? The people who survived?’ said Karma.

‘Ariadne gave them all huge pay-offs and they mainly emigrated.’ said Dex. Also keeping his legs up off the floor and trying not to look toward the train window. He kept imagining spiders leaping at it. 

‘Do you believe that?’ said Karma.

‘I never even thought about it until now. Now I'm not so sure. Why would they not have come back after the spiders were gassed? Now I really think about it, it's obvious what happened, isn't it?’

‘Yes, but I don't want to talk about it any more.’ She moved closer to Dex and put her head on his shoulder. He awkwardly put his arm around her. Neither was comfortable with the arrangement, but they held tight together all the same.

Dex put his hand on her hair. He'd never really touched it before and now it seemed the most beautiful thing in the world. It was soft and rippled with cabin light. Autumn colours.

He wanted to ask her if she loved him. But stopped himself. He was too scared of what she'd say. 

Karma seemed to sense his thought. She sat up and looked him in the eyes with a serious and sad face. She put her hands gently on his cheeks and closed her eyes as she kissed him. He closed his too and the world went away again.

Later, they felt the train start to slow. They got up and got ready to leave. Cabot returned and said,

‘O'Shayada'll meet you at the station. I'm sure you're used to meeting people at our stations by now, but this character is different. He is not to be trusted in any way. He has been told to answer your questions about the archive, but I caution you to avoid any other topics. He is ah, interested in what makes you feel vulnerable. Stay together at all times. We will only stop for 20 minutes so be fast. You will talk to him on the platform. Do not go anywhere else with him. We will wait here in the station for you and be watching. I can't stress again how much you should not let down your guard. Do you understand?’

They both nodded and looked at each other. Dex imagined a fat grey spider wearing a clerical collar. He dispelled the image from his mind. They got up and followed Cabot as the train stopped. Cabot opened the door of the carriage with a serious expression. They stepped off the train onto a concrete platform in a clean bright blue station. 

Karma looked at Dex in surprise. Cabot said ‘yes, these platforms were actually still in use until Waterford was destroyed. Twenty minutes remember.’ he closed the door and spoke into a small walkie-talkie.

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