Part 12: Assignment 12: The element of surprise

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(Agent X's POV)

"Can you please give a sandwich or something"The president groaned"I'm starving"

I rolled my eyes with annoyance by his groaning. So I went into the fridge and took out a tofu sandwich and threw it at him.

"Eat"I said

" no way this is tofu! "

"It's a sandwich"

" I meant turkey or something not this crap! "He shouted

" would you rather die!!? "I said and pointed my gun at him

" No, this will do just fine"he said

I sighed and went into the bedroom. I saw Y reading a book about space and other sci do stuff. Dramatically I groaned and fell into the bed.

"What is it now"he said

" I can't deal with him"I said"He just have some reason to piss me off"

"Relax, tomorrow he'll be doing his speech and we'll be able to catch Miss Cavalry" he smiled"Then we'll never have to deal with his ass again"

"You got a point"I said And turned to my side

Y put his book down before lying on the bed next to me. He smirked and played with my hair. And looked at me with his light brown eyes.

" you know, Maybe we know"

He nudged my arm signaling me what we should do. I shook my head and turned to the other side.

"Oh come on Mi..."

"Shush!" I whispered loudly "We can't be saying our names in front of the president!"

I pointed to him gagging at the tofu sandwich. Y groaned at the sight and snuggled him self in my hair.

"I hate this"he said

" me too"I said

The next night...Florida...

This was it. The night that we catch Miss Cavalry for good. Cat got some spies to help us with this plan. And we are not going to fail this time. Y made sure the the president is here to do his speech. And Teddy is checking the cameras for any weird activity. Rose on the other hand is patrolling the area and making sure that everyone was safe.

I for one was looking for Miss Cavalry. But I didn't have the time for that now. The speech was about to start and we must get ready.

(Donald's POV)

This is scary. I can't believe that someone would actually kill me. I mean what did I do to deserve this!?

But there was no going back now so I went to the pedestal and placed my speech on top. Civilians, reporters and security were everywhere. But I knew that the spy organization is the only one who would really save me.

I started saying my speech and for a while nothing happened. But then I felt something on my head. And someone's breath near my ear.

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