Monday, Wednesday

Breakfast-9:00 am-9:40 am
Professor Flitwick-Charms-9:50 am-10:40 am with Hufflepuff
Professor McGonagall-Transfiguration-10:50 am-11:40am with Gryffindor
Lunch-11:50 am-12:40 pm
Professor Sinistra-Astronomy-12:50 pm-1:40 pm with 5th year and 6th year Slytherin and Gryffindor
Dinner-4:30 pm-5:20 pm
Curfew-9:00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday

Breakfast-9:00 am-9:40 am
Professor Snape-Potions-9:50 am-10:40 am with Gryffindor
Professor Sprout-Herbology-10:50 am-11:40 with Hufflepuff
Lunch-11:50 am-12:40 pm
Professor Firenze-Divination-12:50 pm-1:40 pm with Ravenclaw
Dinner-4:30 pm-5:20 pm
Curfew-9:00 pm


Breakfast-9:00 am-9:40 am
Professor Hagrid-Care of Magical Creatures-9:50 am-10:40 am with 5th year and 6th year Slytherin and Gryffindor
Professor Hootch-Flying-10:50 am-11:40 am with Ravenclaw
Lunch-11:50 am-12:40
Professor Grindelwald-Defense Against the Dark Arts-12:50 am-1:40 am with Hufflepuff
Dinner-4:30 pm-5:20 pm
Curfew-9:00 pm

I put my schedule back in my bag, and that is when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up at the teachers table, and it was a Professor with white hair. Just then the great hall doors slammed open and a bunch of students piled in all years except for the first year. I saw Draco scanning the tables till his eyes landed on me at the Slytherin table. He smirked, and walked, more like strutted, over to me. He sat down on my right side and Pansy *cough* pugface *cough* sat beside him. She was clinging onto his arm, and I rolled my eyes. After a few seconds Draco shoved her off of him, and turned to me, "Hey, Andy." I smirked at him, "Hey, Draco." He returned my smirk, "I was wondering if after dinner and your all settled in in your dorm if we could talk?" I smiled, "Yeah sure." He smiled and we just held small talk for a few minutes, before the doors burst open and Professor McGonagall walked in with the first years. We all quieted down except for a few snickers coming from a few Slytherin's and Gryffindor's. After the first year sorting ceremony was over Dumbledore stood up to give a speech, and I heard Draco whisper to himself, "Not this again?" During the entire speech I felt eyes on me, I looked around the students and my eyes landed on a Slytherin boy in the same grade just starring at me. I looked up at the staff table, and the Professor with white hair was still starring at me. After Dumbledore's boring speech he announced that we could eat, and then the food appeared in front of us. Since I'm from a wizarding family this was normal. When I got done eating I turned to Draco who was still chowing down on his food, "Hey, Draco." He stopped eating for a second and turned to me, "Yeah, Andy?" I whispered, "Who's the professor with the white hair?" We both looked at the teachers table, and the professor with white hair was still staring at me. I turned back to Draco and he looked at me and whispered, "That is Professor Grindelwald." I nodded before looking back at the teachers table. He smiled at me, and I gave a shy smile before turning my head back to the table. After a few minutes the food cleared and dessert appeared. On the table there was my favorite, somewhat of a homemade recipe, Bloody Cheesecake. Raphael made it once, and I haven't been able to stop eating it. I cut some and put it on my plate. Draco raised an eyebrow, "What, is, that?" I smiled and picked up piece, "This is Bloody Cheesecake. Best dessert recipe made by Vampires, well besides Veriohukaiset." He looked completely horrified, and whispered, "What? Blood?" I giggled a little bit, "Yeah, I'm not a vampire if your wondering..." He breathed a sigh of relief, and I continued, "My brother introduced the recipe to me, as well as some other blood related desserts and drinks. And by the way it isn't human blood." He breathed another sigh of relief, "Oh thank Merlin." I took a bite, and then ended up finishing the entire thing. It was 30 minutes till we got dismissed, and Draco was still piling dessert onto his plate. I shook my head and looked up at the teachers table. I looked toward Dumbledore, and he looked back at me. I motioned my head to the door silently asking if I could leave early, and he nodded back. I looked over at Professor Grindelwald, and he was talking with Professor Snape. I turned back to Draco, and he was stuffing his face like he hadn't ate in months. I giggled, and he turned towards me, "What?" I giggled again, "I was just gonna tell you that I was heading to the Whomping Willow." He swallowed, and looked scared, "What? That tree is a killer." I smirked, "Exactly, just kidding, I wanted to draw it." He looked relieved that I said I was joking, and smiled, "I will join you after dinner." I nodded before getting up, and walking towards the great hall doors. I opened the doors, and made my trek to the tree. After a few minutes I got to a ring of stones over looking a small hut. I shrugged, 'mental note: to draw that hut later.' I looked to the right, and saw the tree swinging its branches to get the birds off. I walked up to it, and it stopped moving. I sat down on a hill a mile away so I didn't get hit by its branches. I opened my bag, and grabbed my sketch book and started drawing.

I was half way threw drawing the Willow (above is the final product) when Draco came over to me followed by pugface

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I was half way threw drawing the Willow (above is the final product) when Draco came over to me followed by pugface. He sat down beside me, and looked at my drawing, "Wow, that's amazing." I looked over at him and smiled, "You think? I'm only halfway done with it." He looked up at me with a shocked face, "What do you mean your only halfway done?" I giggled, and pugface glared at me, "I'm serious I still have a lot more detail to add." He nodded before turning to pugface who had her head on his shoulder, "Hey, Pansy, why don't you head back to the castle, and start unpacking." She hugged him, and he sat completely still, like a statue. I waited for her to leave before I started laughing. He stopped being a statue, and snapped his head towards me, "What are you laughing at?" I giggled, "The fact that you turned into a statue when pugface hugged you." He shook his head, and looked back at the tree, "Why does it seem so peaceful looking at a deadly tree?" I smiled, and looked back at the tree, "I don't know Draco, but I have a question. Why do you stay with Parkinson?" I looked at him, and he closed his eyes, "I don't know, Andy. She's so annoying, but I don't know how to break up with her." I looked at the ground, and closed my eyes, "Have you tried telling her you want to break up?" I opened my eyes, and he was looking at me, "I have, she just ignores me, and continues like we are still dating." I put my hand on my chin, when a light bulb went off in my head, "How about you write her a letter. But not on the first week." He nodded, and I put my sketch book back in my bag. Draco stood up, and he held out his hand towards me. I took it, he helped me up, and I grabbed my bag.

Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor (Grindelwald x Reader) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now