Sorting Ceremony

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Andromeda's POV

I was reading one of the books from the Twilight saga. I set my book on top of the bench across from me. I grabbed my robes from inside of my bag and put it on. I sat back in my seat, and then grabbed my book. I finished it by the time we got a ten minute warning that we were nearing Hogwarts. A man in black clothes, with black hair, and black eyes(Snape) appeared in my cart. I raised my eyebrow, "May I help you?" He squinted his eyes, "Are you Andromeda Cassiel?" I nodded and he continued, "I am Professor Snape, I am your potions Professor. Dumbledore asked me to come and get you before you arrived, and bring you to the castle to get sorted before everyone else got there. So grab you..." He noticed the dragon that was sitting on my lap, "Is that a dragon?" I nodded, "Yeah, this is Azrael. One of seven pets that I brought to Hogwarts." He nodded, "Put your dragon in its cage, and grab your bag. Another professor will come to the train to grab your other stuff." I nodded and put Azrael in his cage. Then I put my book in my bag, and grabbed Azrael's cage. I nodded then he motioned for me to grab his arm, and we apparated to the castle. We stood in front of a golden eagle, and Professor Snape put his hands up, "Sherbet Lemon." The golden eagle spun up, and a staircase appeared. He motioned for me to walk in front of him, as I started walking up the stairs it was getting dark so I lit a fire in my hand. I heard Professor Snape gasp as we continued our trek up the stairs. We got to the door, and I made the fire disappear from my hand. Professor Snape knocked and Dumbledore opened it, "Andromeda! Welcome to Hogwarts." He smiled at me and motioned for me to enter. I smiled at him, and walked inside his office followed by Professor Snape. There were six professors including Snape and Dumbledore surrounding a stool with a hat on top of it. Dumbledore walked forward, "Andromeda, this is Professor Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Trelawney, and you have already met Professor Snape. Now to sort you into your house sit on the stool, and I will place the hat on your head." I nodded, he lifted the hat, I set Azrael and my bag down on a table by the door, and sat down on the stool. Dumbledore placed the hat on my head, and I heard the hats voice in my head, "Ah, a transfer student? Now lets see then, smart, very smart actually, brave, sly, cunning, mischievous, and is 100% loyal. You have qualities of all four houses. Now where to put you? I got it..." It finally stopped speaking in my head and said out loud, "Slytherin!" I saw Professor Snape's eyes light up. Dumbledore took the hat off my head, "Congratulations, Andromeda. Professor Snape will give you your class schedule." I hopped off the stool, and stood in front of Professor Snape. He held up my schedule but asked, "How do you make a drought of the living dead?" I smiled already knowing the answer, "Water, powered root of asphodel, infusion of Wormwood, Valerian root, sopophorous bean, and a sloth brain." He was completely in shock as well as the other teachers, Professor Trelawney finally spoke up, "How, how did you know that right off the top of your head?" I giggled, "Simple actually, I remember everything I read." Professor Snape nodded, and handed me my schedule, "Then you should be at the top of my class." I smiled, and nodded before walking over to the table putting my schedule in my bag, putting it on my shoulder, grabbing Azrael's cage, and walking over to the door, "I think we all should head to the great hall." I looked at the clock, "We have two minutes before everyone is to arrive." Dumbledore nodded, "Yes. Now remember sit anywhere, but at the Slytherin table." I nodded, then I apparated down to the bottom of the eagle, and Snape joined me, "Here let me help you to the great hall." I nodded, he held out his arm, and I took it. We were in the great hall, he pointed to the Slytherin table, and I went to go sit down when he stopped me, "Mrs. Cassiel, I don't think your class mates, will like eating with a dragon at the table." I nodded and set the cage on the table, and took Azrael out, "Come on bud, what do you wanna be, a ring, a necklace, or a tattoo?" He tapped his paw on my arm, "A tattoo it is then." He started glowing then disappeared. I pulled down my sleeve and there was a dragon tattoo on my arm. I pulled back up my sleeve and made Azrael's cage disappear. I walked over to the Slytherin table just now noticing all the teachers were at the staff table looking at me with wide eyes. I smiled at them, "A trick I learned from my godfather." I pulled out my schedule, and read over it.

Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor (Grindelwald x Reader) *On Hold*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt