Chapter Ten: Just Tell Her

Start from the beginning

"Roger is absolutely right, darling!" Freddie cheered to her. "You were amazing!"

"Thanks, Roger, thanks Fred," Lillie grinned over to the drummer and the singer, her arm still wrapped around John's shoulder.

All the compliments were leaving Lillie almost flustered, as she turned to John looking to her best friend for some normality, snorting out a laugh. Glancing from John back down to Brian, she bit her lip slightly, thinking of their time alone before, and seeing his small smile and the way his eyes had lit up as soon as she joined the group made Lillie want to kiss him all over again. Not that she could, of course, considering the fact the rest of the band were there and would surely go wild upon seeing them kiss.

"Lillie, you were so good up there," Brian spoke up eventually, as if feeling her gaze fall upon him, their eyes meeting. She bit her lip slightly, blushing.

"Cheers, Bri," was all she could managed to get out, knowing that if she spent any more time thinking about him or looking at him, she'd want to kiss him all over again.

That was when she noticed the two newcomers; a blonde woman sat next to Freddie, their hands interlocked tightly, and a brunette sat next to Brian, looking up at John as if he made the world turn round. Mary and Veronica, Lillie realised, instantly thrilled that she was finally meeting them.

"Lillie, dear, this is Mary," Freddie called to her, realising he hadn't introduced his partner. "You know, my fiancé, the love-"

"The love of your life, Fred, we all know," Lillie grinned at the singer as she held her hand out to Mary to shake. "It's nice to meet you Mary, I've heard a lot about you,"

Mary smiled back, shaking Lillie's hand with her free hand, her other not letting go to Freddie's. Lillie couldn't help but notice the way Freddie looked at her, looking at her as if she was the most wonderful person in the room. It was the way everyone wanted their significant other to look at them, and the sight of the two of them made Lillie slightly envious, not that she really understood why; maybe it was because she wanted what they had, but with someone she liked?

"Oh, yeah, sorry," John spoke up, suddenly remembering his girlfriend at the same time. "Lee, this is Veronica,"

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Lillie exclaimed, turning her attention back to John and his girlfriend. As Veronica stood up, the two women embraced. "John never shuts up about you!"

"I could say the same about you!" Veronica laughed. "I've heard so much about you, it's nice to meet the famous Lillie Sparrow at last, I'm sure you can tell me loads about John,"

"Oh God, the stories I have!" Lillie shot John a mischievous grin, thinking of all the ways she could embarrass him with old anecdotes.

"Please no," John muttered quietly, taking hold of Veronica's hand as if pulling her away from his best friend, the best friend he didn't trust to not recall stories of their childhood. "I'm going to regret introducing you two, I know it,"

"Yes, you are," Lillie nodded seriously before cracking another smile. "Just like you're going to regret introducing me to Freddie, Rog and Brian,"

"As if he could ever regret that!" Freddie called enthusiastically, making Lillie blush bright red, still not entirely used to having friends who liked her so openly and warmly.

"Right then," Lillie called to the band, clapping her hands together as she looked between them all. "Shall we get pissed?"


As usual, Lillie and the boys were the last ones left in the pub, to the extent that Mick had left the keys with Lillie for her to lock up, but not before telling her to make sure they paid for whatever they took from behind the bar. Anyone else, any other member of staff, Mick wouldn't have trusted, but Lillie was different. Lillie was the hardest working barmaid he had, not to mention she always managed to draw a crowd when she played her music. For once it was nice to see her let her hair down and have fun.

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