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"Mark, dammit answer the phone." Carrie groaned slamming the phone into its receptor as she threw herself on the plaid couch. Not a minute later did the phone ring and Carrie reached for it holding it tightly up to her ear.

"Sorry Carrie was catching up with the wife's yoga gossip." Mark apologized earning a laugh from Carrie. After not hearing a response Mark asked, "Carrie, did something happen with Debbie again?"

"No, something good actually happened in my chaotic life." Carrie answered which earned Mark's whole attention. Twisting the telephone cord around her finger Carie plainly said, "I'm pregnant."

"No shit!' She heard Mark exclaim as she took the phone away from her now deaf ear as she heard Mark hollering the news to his wife, Marilou.

"Yup, Harrison finally made me agreed to stop taking birth control." She told him grinning at her own words.

"Have you told the father yet?" Mark asked in a teasing voice allowing Carrie to giggle.

"No, how could I?" She asked him scanning her fingers over a black and white picture of the couple which stood on their coffee table. The unique thing about his picture was it was the first picture of them and maybe one of the awkwardest.

"Well, I'm going to tell you how. Your going to get up, pack your bags, and book a flight to Sri Lanka and surprise the shit out of Harrison for 1 being there and 2 carrying baby Solo." He expressed as he heard Carrie groan on the other line.

"You know what I'm doing it." She told both herself and Mark while getting up from the couch and experiencing a little naeusea while doing so.

"Damn right you are." Mark exclaimed before saying, "And send me a post card!"

- - -

"You think you'll name it Indiana?" Steven Spielberg, director of Indiana Jones, asked Carrie as he guided her through the set running into props and lots of extras covered in sweat and heavy clothing.

"Either that or Han." Carrie said as Steven gave her a knowing look before stopping at the dressing room that read 'Harrison Ford'.

"Now don't have too much fun and be sure to not make too much noise. There's kid's around." He said close enough for only Carrie to hear as he winked and walked away from the nervous Carrie. Right before Carrie had the chance to hit her fist on the door Harrison's body came running into hers not expecting for his petite wife to be there.

"Carrie?" Harrison exclaimed staring at the small women who stood at the door rubbing her hand on her head.

"Yeah its me you moron. Thanks for hitting me with your whole body." She told him before he picked her up while spinning her and pressing light kisses to her mouth and neck.

"I thought you liked my body on yours?" He asked making Carrie roll her eyes as Harrison wrapped his arm around her shoulder bringing her into his small room they liked to call dressing rooms.

As Carrie continued to rub her head feeling more nauseous Harrison gave her concerned look bringing her to the couch which laid all of his scripts and his pair of glasses. "You okay babe?" He asked caressing his fingers on her cheek as she removed her hand from her forehead and stared into his concerned eyes.

"The whole reason I was here was to tell you but I guess you had to make me show you." She laughed as Harrison shook his head lookin rather confused.

"Im not following." He told her as she cupped his face with her hand before whispering, "You did it. Your going to be a father."

"Are you kidding!" He asked her before pulling her into a lingering kiss which soon deepened as Harrison laid her down ok the couch while fidgeting with her cream blouse.

"I love you." She told him as she pulled herself away from him and folded her hand into his.

"I know baby." He said as he continued Kissinger her fiercely before running to the door and locking it while smirking and throwing himself on her.

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