Compassion, understanding, acceptance

Start from the beginning

The two women kissed each others cheeks and Angelita replaced Whisper on the balcony.


The cheer was so loud it actually could be felt in the floors of the castle.


Tears filled Angelita's eyes, as she waved to her subjects, her family, as she waited for silence.

It took 15 minutes.


She wiped tears from her eyes.

"I am sorry.

I am sorry for the pain I caused you."


"NO.NO.NO," came the yells from below and above.


Angelita put up her hand.

"I allowed evil to seep into the very fabric of our lives and I allowed it to consume me.

I lost sight of what was important in my life."

She turned to the balcony doorway.

"My son."

Gareth joined her, amid the cheering.

"And the woman I love."

Patience joined her as well.


The two flanked Angelita, as the cheering continued.


"Henosis shall be the most incredible planet that ever existed and it will become this because of the amazing people that make up this planet.

We shall rebuild our homes and build new cities,

larger cities,

and we will move forward.

And with the help of some amazing friends, we shall become a self sufficient, prosperous and peaceful planet."




"I will remain as your Queen ..."


The castle shook from the cheering.


"My son, Price Gareth, shall rule with me ..."


More cheering.


"And my devoted and dearest Blinda, who from this day onward, will be known as Queen Patience, will rule by my side.




Again the castle rocked.


"With the help of Sir Henry Tudor, Lady Tinsha and Lady Amy, we will begin a new era for Henosis. An era of peace and prosperity."

The three joined them on the balcony, amid more cheering.

"These three wonderful people, people you know, will be my voice among you. They will be there for you, when I am not able.

You will always have access to me."


More cheering.

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