"You'd cheer me up if you shut your mouth and never talked to me again," I answered annoyed.

"You do know that we have to plan the upcoming school festival together, do you? So maybe not talking to each other would be a bit problematic, don't you think?"

I totally forgot about this! He grinned at me mischieviously when he saw that I lost our fight again.

"Don't worry Ellie, I'm sure we're a good team. Just like during the old times, huh?,"he stated and my body shivered just by the thought.

"They are over, Aidan. You should know this best," I told him and rapidly closed my window again before he could twist my words the way he wanted to to embarass me one more time.

I knew I could never win against him because he was way too good with words and speaking so I'd rather give up sooner than being humiliated like that ever again.


"So Ellie, did you have a talk with Aidan already? You know you two have a lot of work to do so you should start really soon," Mr Winters asked me when he saw me the next day in the hallway.

"Uh, we indeed have spoken to each other about it but we don't have any exact plan yet," I told him a bit nervously.

"That's okay! I mean, it's hard because thinking of a theme is always a hard task, isn't it? But remember: original and new! I know you both can do it. You're a good team in my opinion,"he said and I almost rolled my eyes and started to deny when I remembered he was my teacher.

"Y-yeah, I suppose. We're a great team,"I said and suddenly felt a big  hand on my shoulder.

"We're the best team you could've ever arranged, Mr Winters," no other person than Aidan said with a cheeky smile. When our teacher nodded happily and went away, he looked at me with his electric blue eyes, provoking me to fight him.

"So,", he started, "since when are we a great team? I thought the old times are over, little Smelly-Ellie"

My eyes widened immediately.

"Do not ever call me that again, will you?!"

"Oh sorry, it just slipped," he lied and giggled into his hand so his dimples appeared.

"But when it buggs you that much, you can call me Maiden-Aiden,of course, if that maks you any happier," he said, a toothy grin never leaving his face.

"Stop with this nonsense, really. You drive me crazy!," I said burning with anger. I wanted to make his dumb smile disappear so badly.

"But why? You always called me that when we were younger, didn't you?,"he said a bit surprised of my sudden rage.

"Yes, exactly, when we were younger. We are grown-ups now! So just stop with this kindergarten stuff and go. I have classes now," I explained and went away before he answered anything.

I walked really quick but he followed me. 

"Hey, Ellie! Wait!," he shouted through the whole hallway making everybody look at us. 

It was far too embarassing for me to shout anything back or to insult him even though I wanted to so the only solution I could think of was running into the girls' toilet because he wouldn't follow me in there, would he?

But then again, I forgot that we're talking about Aidan.

I ran into a cabin and locked it. I knew he came in because I could hear some girls screaming and asking what he did there.

Then he knocked at my cabin door and I thought of burying myself right there.

"Hey, Ellie! I know you're in there so come out"

"How do you want to know that?!," I shouted back.

"You've got some really pretty shoes, you know?"

I stayed quiet for a while. I was too exhausted to argue with him.

"What do you want?,"I asked.

"Just listen to me," he said with a calm voice so I gave up and let him talk.

"I know it's been a hard time for you, okay? I know about your parents and about your friends as well"

"How do you know ab-,"I asked completely shocked.

"We are neighbours, did you forget about that? And the thing about about your friends... Scott and me are in the same soccer team, and eventually, I heard about it. Just ask him about it, okay? All I want to tell you is that I know we're not exactly friends anymore, but you can call me whenever you need someone to talk to, okay? I'm a good listener. Just throw something against my window and I'll be there. I promise"

My mouth stood wide open when he finished his last sentence. 

"See you later then,"he said and I heard him going away.

What the holy moly did just happen?!


A/N: Hi everybody! I'm sorry that it took me a lot of time to publish such a short chapter but I hope you like it anyway!

I'd love to know what you think about everything so make sure to leave a comment! :) 

Thank you so much for reading, love you xx

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