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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I groan as I feel the sun shine on me. Already? I think. I do not want to wake up. I want to stay in my dream of... Of what? My eyes flutter open when I realize I can't remember anything of vague importance except my name.  (Y/N) I think. That's my name. But why can't I remember anything else? 

I took a deep breath and sat up. The sight around me was overwhelming. It seemed as if I was in a prison with four walls that were ancient, judging by the ivy growing there. In one corner there were some trees that looked to be small woods which reminded me that trees were vital for oxygen. Seems like whoever put me here wants me to stay, I thought as I saw a cement building in another corner. Otherwise, this place was devoid of life. And it was quiet. Eerily so.

Suddenly, I jumped up as an alarm blared from everywhere at once. I covered my ears but thankfully it didn't last long. I then realised a hole opening up in the ground. What in the-  my thoughts didn't finish before it opened up with a bang. I stared inside, and saw some crates in a square sized metal elevator. 

I dropped down into the box. Each crate was marked. Clothes, bedding, food- Food. That one word caught my attention. I quickly popped open the crate, and sure enough, there was food. It seemed to be hastily prepared as it was sandwiches. But there were a variety to them. At least I won't starve, I told myself. 

After I lifted up all the crates and the box had gone down, my sleeping space was still a problem. I glanced around myself and that's when I noticed something on the wall opposite me. I ran towards it, and sure enough, there was a message inscribed into the stone.

    Find the trees, then move to the corner. Once there climb up. A place awaits.


I understood at once that this was a riddle and that it referred to the woods. I made my way there, following the instructions. As soon as I climbed up around ten feet I found an opening: a cave. And that's my sleeping problem solved. I carried all my stuff there and lay down whilst waiting for sleep to come. But before I drifted off, one thought haunted me: Who or what is W.I.C.K.E.D and why did they send me here?

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