just like a tattoo

Start from the beginning

jinsung laughs heartily now and sungwon only pouts. "ugh, okay fine. jinsung-hyung and taewoo-hyung, you guys can sit in front! then taekhyeonnie and I next, and yechan-hyung can sit in the back!"

yechan shoots a mean look at sungwon before he relents. "fine, ugh. i'm going to be the adult here. besides, i'll still enjoy this ride so it doesn't matter where I sit." he says.

as taekhyeon and sungwon start babbling excitedly, jinsung tunes out his friends as he takes a look around. in the corner of his eye, he sees the people that came after them, a small group of three, chattering away. upon further observation, he sees that one of them'll probably sit next to yechan.

as he looks over, his eyes linger a bit too much on one of them, an adorable cutie wearing a black long-sleeved turtleneck. he was a few inches smaller than jinsung, had a set of transparent braces on his teeth that showed off whenever he would smile and had sleek cat-like eyes that turned into little crescents when he smiled widely.


jinsung didn't notice that he was staring, but when he did, he catches his mistake a little too late as the other's eyes catches his. jinsung immediately looks away, a small blush covering his cheeks.

stop it jinsung, now is not the time.

as he slyly glances back, he notices that the stranger was clutching his friend's arm and that he was shying his (also blushing, jinsung notes) face away from view.

he's probably here with his soulmate ugh, good work jinsung you creep, you freaked him out.

the current roller coaster train skids to a stop in front of their small numbered gates and jinsung could see the exhilaration, as well as fear on the passengers' faces as they get off the trolley. he feels his own heartbeat quicken with anticipation. as the people leave, the gates in front of them open.

okay holy shit, let's do this.


as the ride comes to an end, jinsung could feel his heartbeat ringing in his ears and his heart itself as it tries to get out of his ribcage. he could barely feel his legs and he was probably deaf in one ear too, after sitting next to taewoo. the train slows down as it nears the circuit and jinsung thanks the lord as it jolts to a stop. the safety bars raise up and he shakily stands up, following taewoo to the shelf where they left their belongings.

as soon as they got their things, they leave the ride after taekhyeon and sungwon, who acts as if they weren't about to throw up a second ago.

taewoo glances around. "where's yechan?"

"no, it's ok-- holy shit, it's you!" they hear someone yell out.

the others turn around and at the exit, there stood yechan, his outstretched hand in the grasp of one of the three boys after them, and if jinsung's memory serves him right, this was the one who sat next to him on the rollercoaster earlier.

on the arm of the stranger were the words, "sorry I hope I didn't make you deaf earlier, you shouldn't have sat next to me." written in black ink.

yechan's mouth flew open as he rolled up his own sleeve and the words the other just yelled out, "no, it's ok-- holy shit, it's you!" were written as well.

"seunghwan-hyung, let's go! yongha-hyung we're over here!!" the two boys who were with him left earlier and so they were a little ways off from where their friend was at, and they were getting the attention of someone sitting on the benches just outside the ride.

"JUNSEO! DOYUM! YONGA-HYUNG! I FOUND HIM!" stranger named seunghwan shouted as he dragged yechan to the other two.

"WHAT'D YOU FIND?" the other shouted back.

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