Amy's Choice (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"A star. A cold star," he says, and runs to the TADIS door, opening it.

The light blinds from outside, as the doctor continues his explanation, "That's why we are freezing. It's not a malfunction. We're drifting towards a cold sun. That's our danger for this version of reality."

He closes the door, and grabs a blanket off Amy, who is still holding all the rest. He walks over to the sorceress, whom is starting to wake, and wraps her in it.

"Hey," he whispers to her, and helps her sit up.

She shivers, and pulls the blanket closer, coughing. The doctor hugs her and then walks back to the group.

"This must be the dream," Amy decides, "There is no such thing as a cold star. Stars burn."

"So is this one," The doctor corrects her, "It's just burning cold."

"Is that possible?" Rory asks.

"I can't know everything," The doctor grumbles, "Why does everybody expect me to, always?"

The sorceress watches him walk dejectedly away, and she sighs softly. The pain in her head, worse than a head ache, was making it impossible to think. By the time she wakes up, the others were halfway through their conversation. And it wasn't like she could join in, and say anything without ending up in a coughing fit, in conclusion, she felt as if she were useless. She couldn't help out, without hurting herself, and she'd just worry everyone anyway. As she thinks these things, she watches the cold sun throw the monitor, as it slowly pulls things into its orbit. A smile comes to her face. The cold sun, it was an exact replica of the doctor. How he pulls people into to go travel the world with him. Nobody ever says no, and nobody can ever resist his continuous tug. And that was how she had ended up here.

She jumps as the dream lord appears beside her. He puts a figure to his lips, warning her not to say anything, as the others had not noticed his arrival. She glares at him, reminding him that she couldn't speak anyway.

He grins, "Sorceress, you are so weak now aren't you. So weak and so useless. Don't try to hide it, I know that's what you've been thinking. You're always the person who gets hurt, and in no epic way either. You don't try to protect people, you just wander off and get hurt. Well, have a nice sleep. One day, you might never wake up at all."

He turns to the others and shouts a few words at them, startling them, and silencing their conversation, "Oh, no, we've run out of time. Don't spend too long there, or you'll catch your death here."

The bird song starts, and they all drop off to sleep.

In the other dream, the doctor wakes up and, realizing that the children have disappeared from their playtime, doesn't wait for the others before rushing up the stairs, stopping in front of the ruins.

"Where have the children gone?" He asks the questions in everyone's minds.

Rory and Amy join him, watching as the doctor checks a pile of dust with his sonic.

"Don't know," Rory answers the doctor's question, "Play time's probably over."

The doctor looks back at is two companions, "Where's the sorceress."

"We didn't just leave her on the ground like you did. There was a bench and we moved her onto it," Amy replies, with a disapproving glare.

"Oh," the doctor coughs.

Rory turns to his fiance, "You see, this is the real one. I just feel it. Don't you feel it?"

"I feel it in both places," she answers, undecided.

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