Amy's Choice (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"What?" The doctor asks, "What do you know about her."

"Ah, what's it your best friend says, hmm? Sorceress? Spoilers, pixie!" He smiles at her.

She growls at him and looks away.

"Temper, temper. I have a better name for you.... princess," The dream lord warns.

The doctor gets up from his spot, digs into his pocket, pulls out a spanner, and throws it at the dream lord. It goes right through him.

"Do you want to take a guess at what he is, Amy?" The doctor growls, turning to the red head.

She thinks for a moment, "Um. Dream Lord. He created dreams."

"Dreams, delusions, cheap tricks," The doctor mutters.

"And what about the gooseberry here, does he get a guess?" The dream lord asks.

"Listen, mate, if anyone's the gooseberry around here, it's the doctor," Rory defends himself.

The dream lord chuckles, "There's a delusion I'm not responsible for."

"No he is," Rory argues back, turning to Amy for support, "Isn't he Amy?"

The dream lord turns to her, speaking to her for the first time, "Oh, Amy, have to sort out your men. Choose, even."

Amy shuffles a little closer to the doctor, much to the disappointment of Rory as she speaks to the Dream Lord, "I have chosen. Of course I've chosen," She slaps Rory at this point, "It's you stupid."

"Oh, good, thanks," Rory says in relief, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"You can't fool me," The dream Lord taunts, "I've seen your dreams. Some of the twice, Amy. Blimey, I'd blush if I had a blood supply or a real face."

"Where did you pick up this cheap cabaret act?" The doctor cuts in.

"Me?" The dreams lord laughs, turning to the doctor, and eyeing him, "Oh, you're on shaky ground."

"Am I?" The doctor questions carefully.

The dream Lord smirks, "If you had any more tawdry quirks you could open up a Tawdry Quirk Shop. The madcap vehicle, the cockamamie hair, the clothes designed by a first-year fashion student... I'm surprised you haven't got a little purple space dog just to ram home what an intergalactic wag you are."

He turns to the sorceress, "And you... his princess. Not as wacky as he would like, I would assume. He likes his girls, your doctor. Haven't you noticed how he only has female companions.... most of the time, bar this gooseberry. Aren't you a bit jealous?"

"We're just... friends," The sorceress coughs out.

"I wouldn't speak if I we're you. Time Jumping. You seem to be able to do it a lot. But being on the receiving end. Not being able to control it. It's slowly killing you. Maybe one day you'll never wake up. Now, where was I?"

"You were..." Rory tries to help.

The dream Lord interrupts him once more, "I know where I was. So, here's your challenge. Two worlds. Here in the time machine, and there in the village that time forgot. One is real, the other's fake. And just to make it more interesting you're going to face in both worlds a deadly danger. But only one of the dangers is real. Tweet, tweet. Time to sleep."

The birdsong is heard in all of their heads, as their eyes droop.

"Oh, or are you waking up?" the dream lord asks, smirking.

They wake up to an empty room, in which the residents had mysteriously disappeared while they were sleeping. The dream lord, enters wearing a suit instead of the bow tie and tweed. He holds up an x-ray and examines it before, turning to the doctor with a disapproving gaze.

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