Mad Libs

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Where to start.



Read this, I wrote it-

Read this first-

Make a wish


Paper ash fluttering away,

My dad said not to let it touch you, it could


I drew this because ____.

It means something               It was pretty

I wrote this because ___.

It was pretty            I felt something          both

Don't look at it

Don't read it

See me in it and ___.

be disgusted             pity me           fan my ego





Make a wish.

But what if it doesn't come true?

Wish again          Wish better            Work harder

But also take care of yourself:

Relax          Don't stress         Work and don't give yourself more reasons to stress

I wrote something on myself with my nails and my jacket sleeve.

It didn't look like words, and it didn't last, I ___

did          didn't

Want someone to read it.


I love!

I love so much,

But most people don't know that.

Maybe they do,

Maybe now,

But there was a time they didn't.

I love and it's nice,

I love love far too much, and that makes me ___.

Foolish                  Redeemable              Better

It hurts, but ___.

I deserve it          I like it         It will go away eventually,

                                                                But then it comes back.

My head hurts,

And when he treats my head my heart aches,

But that's okay. That's good.

Don't ___.

Speak           Feel             Think        Suppress things

I should ___.

Work           Sleep         Write          Ask for help          Love (myself included)

When I try to present myself, all the different parts of me try to show up first.

I'm made up of different parts,

And most of them don't get along.

Maybe someday, the best parts of those parts can compromise.

Poem and Prose Scraps (That Don't Quite Fit Elsewhere)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon