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A/n: This is my first fan fiction post. Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions feel free to ask

I woke up very tired and with a slitting headache and I immediately knew I was sick. But being an avenger, life just doesn't stop when you're sick, there were plenty of things that I had to do today. So I got out of bed and made my way to the common room for something warm.

When I finally got to the common room I found that Tony was already there making himself some coffee. I made myself a cup and sat down on the stool before putting my throbbing head on the bench.

"Morning (y/n), oh my god you look like-" Tony started.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Tony Stark" I glare. Tony just sighed before continuing

"(Y/n) in all seriousness of the situation, you look sick, take the day off"

"Thanks for the concern but I'm fine" the conversation ended quickly as I got up, leaving my half drunken coffee on the bench before heading off to start my day.

As I walked to Peppers office I bumped into Thor and Bruce, and they were as concerned as Tony.

"Lady (y/n) why do you look so pale" Thor asked concerned

"It's ok Thor, it's just a cold, I'll be fine" I reply

"Even if it's just a cold (y/n) you should take the day off and rest" Bruce explains

"Guys I promise I'll be fine" I said before walking off

The greetings weren't much better when I was with Pepper. She like Tony, Thor and Bruce all combined then times by 1000.

"I'm dead serious about this (y/n), if you don't take the day off and rest I'll get that husband of yours and make him take you back to your floor to rest." Pepper ranted. I twisted the ring on finger and thought about what Steve's reaction would be if Pepper told him I was sick. That definitely wouldn't end well.

Steve had proposed to me after I'd caught pneumonia after a mission and was in hospital for 3 weeks. Since then if I even coughed once he would try to get me to rest. Which wasn't something I like doing.

"Pepper seriously it's just a cold, it will be gone by tomorrow and then I'll be alright. No need to tell my husband. Besides you know what is going to happen if you call Steve" with that I left Pepper on a thinking point

As the day progressed my head felt heavier and warmer, but again I chose to ignore it. I had just finished a round of sneezes when Clint and Natasha turned into the corridor. I internally groaned upon seeing them knowing I'd get the same treatment as everyone else.

"Afternoon (y/n)" Nat says, giving me a confronting stare.

"Yes Nat, anything you want to say" I say, harsher than I would have liked.

"Not if it's going to piss you off, don't work to hard alright" she says before leaving, Clint patting my shoulder before following.

Living with everyone for so long, they've become family and even though I didn't want to push them away I wanted to be as strong as them and a little cold wasn't going to stop that. I decided to head to the training room where I knew Steve would be.

The closer and closer I walked to the training room the dizzier I became. My head felt like it was on fire and i was starting to sway and shiver. I opened the door to see Steve just getting off the phone.

"Steve" I say weakly before my knees begin to buckle, my body had enough.

"(Y/n)!" He cries racing over and catching me before before I hit the ground. I felt his cold hand on my forehead. "Damn it (y/n), Nat just called me saying you didn't look well" Steve's voice was full of concern.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get things done"

"That's no excuse for risking your health" I felt him pick me up as if I were a feather, pressing me against his hard warm chest. "I won't bother with a speech yet, let's just get you to bed"

As Steve began walking to our room I slowly started to drift off. His warmth keeping me from shivering. I felt my body being placed on our soft comfortable bed before Steve's cold hand was placed on hot forehead.

"Oh sweetheart" I felt his hand go from my head down to crease my cheek. "I'll be back in a sec" his hand leaves my face as he leaves the room. After a few minutes Steve comes back and places something on the bedside table.

"Time to sit up darling" Steve says gently before helping me sit up. I open my eyes to see that Steve was holding out 2 tablets and a glass of water. Steve hands me the tablets and I swallow the before putting the glass to my lips.

"Drink it slowly, small sips" I do as he says and when I'm done Steve takes the glass from me and puts a wet cloth on my face and helping me lay back down.

"Stay with me" I whisper

"Of course" I hear his footsteps move to the other side of the room before I feel the bed sink slightly and Steve's arm pulling me in tightly

"JARVIS, tell anyone who needs me that I am with my sick wife and am not to be disturbed"

"Of course sir" the AI returns. With everything sorted we lay there for the rest of the afternoon.

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