Chapter 2

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Thank you guys for the support! I really appreciate it, even if it's only 3 people😂😭 Honestly, I will gladly continue this if you guys really like it and if at any time you have a suggestion I will gladly take it into consideration. Just know that I may not update a lot, but I am definitely working on it. Now I bring you to Chapter 2 of No Clue!

She woke up to her alarm blaring, alerting her that it was time to get up for work. She happily got up and got ready for work. She had a big goofy grin on her face and it had nothing to do with the surgery she was going to sit in on today. It had everything to do with her date with Ben Warren, a handsome doctor that wants to make her his. Almost as if he read her mind, she got a text on her phone. Goodmorning beautiful. Have a great day and I can't wait to see you.
The text put her on cloud nine. She could definitely get used to Ben Warren. Good Morning handsome. Thank you and same to you. Agreed, I'm looking forward to it.
Getting to work, she had to wipe the smile off her face and get professional because the interns already took her as a joke and she didn't want to continue that cycle. She would definitely have to work on her people skills before she became a resident with her own interns.
"Doctor Bailey?"
Miranda turned to see her favorite doctor, Dr.Webber.
"Yes, Dr. Webber?"
"Are you ready for this surgery?"
"Yes, sir. I brushed up on everything that I felt was necessary," she told him with a slight smile. She was proud that the Chief of Surgery liked her enough to mentor her and make sure she had an upper hand when it came to surgery. He guided her to become just like him, he believed in her. Richard Webber was truly a gift from life to her and he was the dad she wish she could have. She loved her father, but he could never understand her need to be the best at everything and he scolded her for her life choices. He-
"Well, are there any interns you believe are ready to sit in on this surgery?" Instantly her mind went to Ben. She blushed slightly, but caught herself before Webber could notice.
"Well, Dr. Warren is the only one that sought out extra help and we went over the case numerous times, so I am fairly confident that he would do good sitting in on this surgery." Truthfully, she thought he deserved it and she knew that he would do great. They spent hours on that case and she felt like they both knew that case well. They could probably talk the attendings through that entire surgery with no mistakes.
"Great! I'm glad. Now, go tell the interns that he will be sitting in."
"Isn't that your job, sir?"
"Yes, but you have to learn so why not let you do it. I don't feel like it and I have to go call Adele," he said with a look that told her that they had been fighting.
"Good luck, sir," she said with a slight chuckle as the bewilderment on his face showed clearly. She walked to the locker room and got changed. She was early so no one was there, yet. As she was putting her shoes on, Ben walked in.
"Hey, Dr. Bailey."
"You can call me Miranda when no one is around," she said with a giggle.
"Okay, Miranda, are we still on for tonight?"
"Ofcourse, Ben. I said yes so I will be there."
"Good," he said as he took off his shirt to change. She took the time to get a quick view of his body and Good Lord did he have a body on him. His chest was very manly  and his abs were to die for. Miranda wasn't the type to think nasty thoughts, but damn did he make it hard not to.
"So, do you remember the case we went over last night?"
"The Krukenberg Tumor guy?"
"Yes, but don't let anyone hear you say that," she laughed.
"Yeah, I remember. I also remember that a very sexy woman happens to be sitting in on that surgery," he said with a smirking playing at the corner of his lips.
"An extremely sexy woman," Miranda added playfully. Throughout their flirting, they hadn't realized that interns started to fill the room.
"So, I'm guessing that extremely sexy woman would be me," Sasha asked. The two interns jumped at the sound of her voice. Miranda glared at her. Sasha has had it out for her since they started the internship. It was stupid, but the worst part about it was that she never knew why.  Miranda tried to be nice, but eventually she got fed up of hearing her start shit and spread rumors like they were in high school.
"Actually, I have a list of where everyone needs to go, but a few have been changed since the list was printed so I'm going to just tell you all," Miranda began, loudly so everyone else could hear. "Sasha and Bruce, you're with Alvarez in Cardio. Duncan and Yin, you're with Jenkins in Plastics. John and Kenneth, you will be with Luca in Neuro. Warren, you will be with me in General."
"How in the hell did Warren make it on to that case," Kenneth complained.
"Yeah, I thought we were all going to be on that case," Bruce agreed. Aw hell.
"Well, Dr. Webber did warn you all that it was a VIP patient and he doesn't feel comfortable having all of us in there, especially if someone didn't study the case. I, like he said, know the entire case like the back of my hand and the family is comfortable with me. As for Warren, he is the only one that I know for a fact studied the case and he knows it just as well as I do. I would have suggested Yin, but he likes Plastics," Miranda explained to the interns.
"This is favoritism," Sasha said with an attitude.
"On whose behalf? Dr. Webber has had me on this case for months and if the shoe were on the other foot, you would feel as though you had all rights to that case," Miranda retorted.
"No, on your behalf. You mean to tell me that you know Warren studied that case? I call bullshit, did you question him? How do you know that he did?"
"Actually, Warren is the only one who came to me for help on the case and we spent all night making sure he was ready for today. Now, if you will excuse us, we have rounds and a surgery to prep for. If you have any problems, talk to the Chief," Miranda said as she walked out.
"Dr. Bailey," someone called after her. She turned to see Ben. She really wasn't in the mood to speak to him. She just wanted to scold herself in peace.
"Yes, Dr. Warren?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just don't like losing my cool like that, but she really pushes my buttons,"She sighed.
"Hey, don't let her get to you. Look, if I am getting in the way of you and this job, then we don't have to go to dinner. I really like you, but I'm not gonna be the one to hold you back. You kickass at this job and I refuse to see this talent of yours to go to waste," he said. Miranda was taken back, but highly flattered. He believed in her and that only make her like him a hell of a lot more.
"You are not getting in the way of anything. Sasha is just petty and has been gunning for me since this internship started. I like you a lot and I'm not about to let some petty ass girl to get between me and what could be the start of something so good. Now, if you don't want to go on this date with me, you can tell me that."
"Nope, we will be going on this date and I will make you want to say yes when I am begging you to be my girl," he said as they laughed.
Miranda sat at her vanity in her room applying her makeup for her date with Ben. She was looking good. She was wearing a white shirt, ripped jeans, a pink/purple cardigan and some nude heels.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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