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Alibaba's POV

I walked out of the house with a wide smile. Today is the first official day of my first year in high school, so I need to be excited to see what happens next. I closed my eyes and breathed in, I then exhaled slowly. "Okay!" I yelled while opening my eyes once more. 

I began my walk to school as I hummed a tune and said my greetings to those around me. "Good morning Ms. Magi. Did Aladdin already head out to school?"

"Oh. Morning Alibaba! Aladdin just finished with a customer, so he'll be right out." The women stopped in her tracks and showed a loving smile. Yep...this whole block does their fair share of illegal services. 

"I wouldn't mind waiting for him if you'd let me." I requested. She smiled brighter.

"No problem. Actually I was hoping that I could give you something." She turned around and raced into her home. I followed a bit behind and waited by the stairs. A man came down a few seconds after I started waiting and left after sending a sinister grin my way. 

The women came running back with six foil wrapped objects. "Here, these should last you the next week. I made just enough money to make curry buns yesterday." She rested her hand on my cheek and sighed.


"No buts. You and your mother always help out with the rent, and sadly this is the only way I can repay you. I just wish I could do more...So you better take them mister!" She demanded giving my cheek a light pat. I smiled.

"Thank you Ms. Magi." She giggled.

"It's the very least I could do." Water began to run up stairs. "It seems he's washing up. He should be down in five. Why don't you run home and drop those off. Take one for lunch though. 'Kay hun?" I nodded.

"Thanks again Ms. Magi." I dropped my bookbag next to the table and raced out the house. A few minutes of running and I arrived home. I unlocked the door and put the curry buns in the fridge taking one for lunch. Mum wasn't home anymore though.

After dropping them off I left and locked up behind me once more. I ran back to the Magi house and caught Aladdin just in time. "Love you dear." He rolled his eyes and walked away from the woman upon my arrival.

"Yeah yeah. I'll see you next week." He sighed out passing me my bag. I waved back at her and she smiled. 

"So why next week?" I asked while waving at the neighbors who were still home.

"Oh your mum didn't tell you? The two were asked to join some rich snob for a seven day cruise, but it's no kids allowed and it pays well. That's mainly why mum made you those curry buns. She knows you'd go a week without eating just cause you don't like seeing your customers outside of work." He explained while looking around.

"Of course she wouldn't tell me. Well thanks for the heads up." I looked down at him and he was really concentrating on his search. "Okay, I'll bite. What are you looking for?" 

"Morg. She said she was dealing somewhere around here this morning when I called." I shrugged. It's no surprise. The girl sleeps all day and cashes in all night. It's no wonder she was up so early. That's also why she doesn't get caught. Hardly anyone's up at two am tracking down drug dealers. That and the fact that she'd kick someone's skull in if they ever screwed her over. 

"You think she has any crys-"

"I told you that I'd never let you use again, so stop trying to buy from me whenever we talk." She appeared beside him creepily and gave his arm a light punch.

"MORG!!" Aladdin tackled her into a hug and the two laughed before getting back up. I chuckled and continued on my way to school. Upon arriving to the school, we made contact with all the other kids. Walking through those gates was a refreshing feeling. Mainly cause it reminded me of the reality of the matter.

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