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Oh look at that, another update done! And it's the last chapter! Technically there's still the epilogue, but this is the end of the story so far. Hope ya'll like it!


DELPHIA HAD NEVER KNOWN WHAT HEARTBREAK FELT like. However, as she sat in the underground base of the SSR, she knew that she understood it now. She drifted around the compound like an empty ghost, completely unlike her once bright, bubbly self. Though it was understandable. Steve was gone. She knew that he would have been welcomed in Valhalla for his fighting and courageous death. His sacrifice saved so many people... It just hurt that it had to be him.

After taking the HYDRA base forcibly, the SSR had taken a catalog of the advanced weaponry that HYDRA had created. Either the weapons would be kept under tight lock and key by the allied forces, or they'd use the weapons themselves. It was a bit of a toss up. One that Delphia knew she should be concerned about to an extent, but couldn't muster up the ability to care.

While she should maybe see about finding the whereabouts of the Tesseract and making sure that it was kept out of the wrong hands. After all, this fight against Schmidt was due to him having the Tesseract and using it for his own greedy, evil plans. Even still, it's not like she could find it at this moment. It was in the middle of nowhere. A place that Delphia wasn't even sure that she could go to due to it reminding her of Steve.

All she could do at this point was tell her father about its whereabouts when she returned home. Though there was the fact that she knew the Midgardians kept the Tesseract at least for a bit. Thanks to her visions, she was certain that the tesseract was kept in the hands of the likes of the SSR for a time. How long that was, she wasn't exactly sure, but she knew it would be for quite a while.

Currently she was cleaning out the room that she had been using to sleep in at the SSR bunkers. After all of this, she knew it was time to return home. It's been a few days and Delphia has had no new visions to guide her on what to do. Her gut was telling her that it was time to go home now.


Delphia glanced over her shoulder to see Peggy was the one coming into her makeshift room, "Hello, Peggy."

The woman took a look around the nearly completely bare room with a raised eyebrow. "You're cleaning up in here?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "In a way."

"Colonel Phillips gave this to me earlier," Peggy said softly, "he asked me to bring it to you." She handed Delphia the small photo of Steve. The Steve before the serum, the Steve that Delphia is certain she fell in love with. She didn't care if he was a scrawny little thing back then, it was his heart that she found the most attractive. Staring at this photo, it just brought tears to her eyes. Seeing how Delphia was becoming upset, Peggy placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. They had become such close friends that Peggy hated seeing her like this. Peggy had been with Delphia through so much during this war, and knew that they needed each other more than ever now. However, Peggy had a feeling that Delphia was going to be leaving her behind now after everything. Pulling Delphia into a side hug as the two stared at that photo, Peggy asked, "What will you do now?"

"Now?" Delphia was quiet for a moment, contemplating what to say. "I have no value to the SSR. No value to this war."

Peggy shook her head at that statement, "You always have value, Delphia." She wasn't going to let Delphia think otherwise. Everyone has value, especially someone like Delphia.

In Delphia's mind she certainly was thinking the opposite. What more could Delphia provide to the SSR. She could no longer be Abraham's assistant, she hadn't been for such a long time. She was the charity case that was kept around because of the kindness to those in the SSR. However, now that Steve was gone, the entire reason that she had been recruited by them in the first place, was gone. Steve had died, and so did a part of Delphia. She shook her head slowly, "Not here. I will go home. I have been away for too long."

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