The Springs

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Twitch POV

Great he is questioning his own love. It will only take Mark time and to realize that Sledge doesnt love him anymore to fall in love with me. Well I guess I will go for a work out.

Sledge POV (3rd Person)

"No.No.No He wouldnt do this. I know him better than anyone. He is loyal, Right? I need to go relax." He gets into his car and heads to the rural area of London looking for "The" Place to clear his head.

3 Hours Later

He arrives to be greated by and old friend, Josh.

"Hey I need some help." He says crippled from the words that leave his mouth. "I think my significant other is cheating on me."

Josh: "How do you know."

"I called them and someone else picked up the phone saying that they were cheating on me with them. But, I know the person the best probably the best I know a person and I know that they are loyal." Saying this and thinking that Twitch was right brought tears to his eyes.

John : "This person seems loyal because you have the best judgement of anyone I know and I think the warm springs here will really help with that."

"Thanks man, I just really want to believe they are loyal but I dont know....this person they are cheating on I know and I know that they are very good at controlling people into things they dont want to do." He says this as entering into the warm springs, and starting to relax.

Mute POV (2nd Person)

4 Hours Later

You are awoken by a kick in your shins. "What the fuck!"

Twitch: "Wake up, how are you feeling about me, your thoughts have they changed?" she says leaning in to you and reaching for your zipper.

"NO!, Get the Fuck away from me Bitch." You say this kicking Twitch's chest and standing up to punch her in gut while your hands are tied. She falls to the ground and she curls into a ball. You look to see bruises on your neck and all over your legs. Almost like she was chocking you and than hitting you with a blunt object or a whip.

Twitch: "Ow, why are you resisting some much. I dont see what he has that I dont have or have better." she says standing up with keys in her hands almost like she is going to stab you.

"Well, he doesn't go insane on me and he actually listens and wants more from me than sex, and when I dont give it to him he doesnt go around and cheat on me." You say backing up from Twitch as she makes her way towards you.

Twitch: "I will listen and I promise I will never cheat on you." She says this almost lunging into you with the keys towards you. You jump out of the way before she can get close enough.

"Its beyond that you have gone psyco and are literally trying to kidnap me and possibly try to kill or rape me. Im going to pass on your offer." You say as you keep Twitch down with her arm behind her back. You grab the keys and try different ones trying to open door. The third one you use opens the door you see your in your old room and it was just the bathroom with everything taken out. You rush out of the room and run into Buck and Blackbeard walking back from the Mission they just did.

Buck: "Yo, Where the Fuck were you?" He says this as he gets up into your face.

"No time to explain, look I need help Twitch is chasing me down and I think she is trying to kill me." You say as Twitch comes out of your old dorm.

Black Beard: "WTF did you do now Twitch?" He says walking upto her but ready to fight.

Twitch: "Nothing, Mark trapped me in his room and wouldnt let me out I almost had to kill him to get out." She says this showing when you pinned her down to get the keys how it is all red.

Black Beard: "Is this so?" He looks at you and looks ready to kill.

Smoke: "Bro, slow down I saw Twitch in the gym earlier today about 6 hours ago." He says this almost on que as he was just walking by and happened to hear Twitch.

Buck: "And to think I was about to kill this man because he trapped you. You lying bitch Six will take care of you I dont want your blood on my hands you dont deserve it." He says this as he turns around walking towards Six'x office. Twitch was to fast for you guys and she charged at Buck pinning him down and with her nails stated to claw at his eyes she opens one of Bucks eyes and with her other hand go's to jab into Buck's eyes but you and Black Beard got there in time and pinned her down. Than Smoke runs to Six's office to get her. She walks out before Smoke can get there to see Buck, Black beard and you pinning her down.

Six: "Get off of her. I knew I should have trusted her and not you Mark. Mark go to your dorm NOW!!!" she says this with the only emotion she has ever revealed. Rage.

Smoke: "Six, the reason that Mark hasnt been around for the past 18-24 hours was because Twitch locked him in his old dorm that he gave to her after seeing her cheating on him." He says trying to protect you.

Six: "WE WILL TALK ABOUT THIS IN THE MORING." She says this as she leaves teh building.

"Fuck you Twitch, THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. The trouble you have caused me is way to sevre. And to think I was going to give you a second chance at a friend ship even though you have had plenty." You say this as you leave entering Sledge's dorm you lock the door. You go to change but just strip to your boxers than just lie on Sledge's bed befored dozing off.

Sledge's POV

Finally I'm back I needed that hour. He enters the dorm to see you asleep with Twitch beside you. He just walks into the room and slaps Mark to wake him up.

Mute's POV

You are woken by a slap and think that you escpaing was just a dream. You open your eyes to see Sledge standing there. 

Sledge: "So you were cheating on me." He says this as his eyes start to water.

"What do you mean?!? Were you not told." You feel confused you look behindyou to see Twitch asleep. Your confused on how she got in.

Sledge: "Whats your escuse now!" He says this with his tears turning into rage.

"When you left I was captured by Twitch and held in her room for only time will tell. I finally got out today and just fell asleep locking the door. Literally ask Black Beard or Buck they will tell you what I said." Him thinking that you would cheat on him causes you start to feel guilt about what you have caused.

Sledge: "How did she get in than I just want answers." He says thsi and you explain everything to him than you wake up Twitch than throw her into the hall way leaving her there and you lock the door going to the couch and falling alseep.

Mute's Life (Mute X Twitch -First Portion-)(Mute X Sledge -Second Portion)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu